McDonald's plans to start selling bigger burgers

USA to – 143 points –
McDonald's plans to start selling bigger burgers

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I'm not a huge McDonalds fan, but I used to get lunch there occasionally because it was fast, convenient, and inexpensive. Now it's none of those things. I think the self-serve kiosks somehow made things worse.

Gotta love touching something god knows how many other people touched before you right before you get some food.

You probably don't want to see how the food is prepared, then.

They are mandated to wash their hands. Unlike the customers.

Ok, but ask yourself why there needs to be a mandate, and think of all the things that aren't mandated.

ask yourself why there needs to be a mandate

Because we can't get enough people to vote any other way.

This just in: after laws and rules enacted, prison intake rates drop to 0 and nobody does anything they aren't allowed to. Why didn't we think of this earlier? Back to you, Tim.

Okay, maybe you think health departments don't give a shit, but they have the power to and do close restaurants for a reason.

I've worked in a kitchen before; I assure you, just because rules exist and random checkups occur, doesn't mean shit.

It's not like your phone or wallet are exactly clean either. Or the restaurant door, for that matter. Or the human cashier you'd be passing money to.

If something like this is a concern, just wash your hands or use some sanitizer before you eat. I struggle to imagine that kiosks caused a demonstrable increase in disease, but hey, maybe there's some data out there.

Hi there!

- Door handles

You'd hate to know how many people have touched the change you get from a store.

Is this something that I'm too 21st century to understand? Who pays in cash and coin anymore?

It’s been years since I handled change. Tap to pay is way more sanitary.

The metals used for coinage are fairly antimicrobial. Fun fact.

Dollar bills, less so.

Yeah, McDs was a no-brainer back in the day.

The cost is absurd for value now. I'd rather go elsewhere.

Yeah the dollar menu to value menu pipeline has been nothing but disappointment.

One thing mcds does have that’s good and cheap still is their breakfast. I use their app and it always has the $1.5 breakfast sandwich. I’ll get one and a hash brown and it’s $3 something. Compared to other places that’s super cheap.

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