Republicans Are on the Verge of Delivering Putin a Big Christmas Gift to politics – 514 points –
Republicans Are on the Verge of Delivering Putin a Big Christmas Gift

In a tense game of chicken, remarkable for its mix of petulance and audacity, congressional Republicans are threatening to halt U.S. aid to Ukraine—guaranteeing a Russian breakthrough and possible victory in that war—unless Democrats help pass a bill that all but locks down America’s Southern border.

If the impasse isn’t resolved by the end of next week, when Congress goes on recess until the new year, the Ukrainian army could run out of ammunition. President Joe Biden could resupply the arsenal from U.S. stockpiles without legislative approval, but the move would be temporary, and the signal sent—that Ukraine, and by implication other allies, can no longer count on U.S. support in a pinch—could be a holiday cork-popper for Russian President Vladimir Putin and all of our other adversaries.


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Then why are the Democrats supporting genocide? That ain’t Trump’s state department and UN ambassador vetoing a ceasefire.

The US deputy ambassador, Richard Mills, said the US would not give up on its aim of removing Hamas, explaining America wanted “to break the cycle of unceasing violence so that history does not keep repeating itself”. He said a ceasefire now “would only plant the seeds for the next war because Hamas has no desire to see a durable peace. Our goal should not be to stop the war for today but to stop the war for ever”.

Your comment has nothing to do with the comment you are replying to.

lol you're all over the board

Au contraire. Judging by the downvotes, I’m exactly where I need to be.

I think they meant that you’re so terminally online I can read a comment and recognize your garbage takes no matter where I go

If my takes are garbage, just ignore them. But you don’t, because they’re not. There’s genocides happening around the world, and you’re complaining about someone being terminally online? SMFH

What have you done about them?

He posted a spicy worthless hot-take on an irrelevant corner of the internet! take that, libcucks!

Did you just imply that you’re irrelevant? Lol. Why are you even commenting if my “takes” are worthless? By taking the time to address my “take,” you validate them, thus cucking yourself. The choice to ignore me is always available.

Learn to read dickcheese

Again. Choice. Ignore.

Try reading and writing full sentences in English. It's fundamental to self-expression.

I learn all I can about what’s going on and talk to others to educate them about what’s happening. I’m doing what I can. If that’s not enough for you, that’s a you problem. Doing _literally anything _ is better than doing nothing. Which is apparently what want me to do. This is the second time you’ve advocated for inaction. Why?

In other words, you argue with people on the internet. How helpful.

And that bothers you? What are you here for, recipes?

I have a theory, that you wank on these threads as they are the only meaningful interaction in your life. So you are typing with one hand and stroking your dick with the other. Which honestly it's quite funny keep it up.

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While I agree with your intent, your tact here is pretty counterproductive. Making a point in such a way that it causes the Internet version of a mass eye roll suggests you're getting written off.

What good does that do?

Thanks for the constructive criticism. It won’t be dismissed. It’s sometimes difficult to temper a response after another user calls you “ dickcheese.” I’ll try do better.

You triggered, Captain Dick Cheese? What are you gonna do about it? Shoot up a school?

Lol, I feel you so hard on that. As I said in another comment which I didn't realize was also to you, I think a lot of people agree with the point you're trying to make. I certainly know you and I agree on a lot of things.

Kudos for staying consistent in your responses. I’m all over the place depending on my mood. I strive for that consistency. At the time, I made the comment, it appeared to be turning into a Republican hate fest. And I just wanted to remind everyone that Democrats have problems too. If I read the room wrong, I’m sorry.

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I think the issue here, hence why you're getting dragged, is Democrat ≠ progressive, therefore your comment is a bit of a non sequitur.

It is a non sequitur. I just found it odd to scorn conservatives for genocide while not mentioning that Democrats are actively abetting a current one.

I think it's a non sequitur because American Democrats ARE conservatives, as is noted later. With that in mind, the comment chain reads as:

Them: Conservatives have always supported genocide.

You: Then why is the other conservative group supporting genocide?

I believe a significant chunk of the site agrees with you regarding the subject matter, I'm just pointing out why I believe it's not going over well. Take it or leave it, I'm just trying to provide constructive criticism.

Edit: shit, i read your comment as "it is not a non sequitur". I'm too tired, words hard, leaving original comment for posterity.

Don’t apologize for being secure enough to apologize. There is so much negativity on here, that you absorb it without realizing. Much love 💕

Personally I think they're desperately trying to keep the Jewish vote... no other reason. It's horrible pandering.

I think that's part of it, but I the government is also using Israel as a proxy, and we do have silicon manufacturing there. The government has a vested military and security interest in Israel (money and power is far more important, the votes are a bonus).

Unlike all of the other countries in the Middle East, Israel is surrounded only by enemies. Israel can't turn on the US without a replacement military superpower, so they're effectively bound to the US for guaranteed protection.

Example: Despite Iran's posturing they weren't going to attack knowing they'd get a military response from the US if they did. They almost certainly could get away with attacking a different country the US isn't protecting though without anything more than sanctions.

The US can support Israel's right to exist along with the Palestinians too and could pressure Israel to have a more reserved response that didn't kill so many Palestinian civilians. And in fact it's clear many in the administration want this. However as there are definitely ardent Israel supporters that have no empathy for the civilians plight and that have deep pockets and long memories, it appears Biden is very reluctant to offend them right before an election.

None of this is mutually exclusive with what I said and you got really close to my point...

that have no empathy for the civilians plight and that have deep pockets

I keep seeing everyone talking about only a few groups:

  • those who do not give a shit about/hate Palestinians
  • those who only care about Israel
  • and those who actually give a shit about innocent people not suffering

I'm not seeing anyone mention the group of people who do not care about Israel as a people either and only want to protect their money and power and view Israel as a tool to do so.

That last group is currently escaping the headlines which are essentially all about people who are vocally pro-/anti-Israel or pro-/anti-Palestinians and not about the group who care about neither. The last group needs more attention because they will be funding the next war too.

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