Israel drove suitcases stuffed with cash into Gaza to keep Hamas in power to World – 939 points –
Israel drove suitcases stuffed with cash into Gaza to keep Hamas in power: NYT

Israeli officials are facing backlash after years of Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu quietly allowing Hamas to remain in power.

But reporting in the New York Times has revealed that Netanyahu's government was more hands-on about helping Hamas: they helped a Qatari diplomat bring suitcases of cash into Gaza, indirectly boosting the militant organization, according to the report.

The calculus — the Times reported on Sunday, citing Israeli officials, Netanyahu's critics, and the man's own reported statements — was to keep Hamas strong enough to counteract the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, allowing Netanyahu to avoid a two-state peace solution and keep both sides weak.

Israeli security officials got it wrong; they didn't think Hamas was capable, or even interested, in launching a large attack against the Jewish state.


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It's from the U.S. tyranny playbook: Allow a tragedy to happen, and then you get the support of the people to do whatever it takes to stop terrorism such as Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

This is every colonizer's playbook: you make constant small incursions, then when the people finally push back, you use it as an excuse to wipe them out and take the land.

I understand you are not implying that pearl harbour and 9/11 where inside jobs.

I think, you just referencing to the public support that followed those events. Right?

Theres some who think the mistakes of Pearl Harbor wasn't anything but incompetence/human error.

No, not inside jobs, but not dealt with appropriately so as to get America involved or to pass the patriot act. We know for a fact that the CIA was still trying to flip one of the terrorist pilots the day of.

He is a conspiracy nut

No, not at all, but I understand new facts can change upheld beliefs.

What facts do you have that Jewish people allowed Oct 7 to happen?

Or even the american government allowing 9/11?

The Saudis are US allies. They did 911. Yet we remain allies. It doesn't mean we 'did it' through them. But it's suspect and deserves consideration.

A closer inspection already showed it was rogue saudi elements and a combination of arrogant, incompetent analysts during a transition period of presidencies.

You should give that consideration.

The New York times did a few pieces on it at the beginning of Dec.
"Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago.
A blueprint reviewed by The Times laid out the attack in detail. Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings."

Yeah, them dismissing it was a mistake. They thought it was BS.

They get a lot of threats. Some will be false positives or false negatives.

Doesnt mean they wanted or allowed the attack to happen. Ffs this entire thread is full of brain dead communists or some shit

full of brain dead communists or some shit


I do not think it means what you think it means.

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Conspiracy theories and antisemitism go hand in hand.

Case in point right here.

I don't understand how this is antisemitism

The belief that israel allowed hamas to attack them to take Palestinian land is anti semitic as fuck.

It has no basis in any available evidence. Israeli people were pissed at the incompetence of the government.

The only reason to peddle this lie is to propagate the belief of that Israel has no right to protect its Jewish citizens that Hamas wants to massacre.

I am not against Jewish people, but Netanyahu. There's a difference.

And you even stated the people.were.pissed off over the incompetence of the government. So, it's almost as if the government should have done better than they actually did.

So are you, in the context of this thread, under the belief that is a conspiracy to allow Hamas to do oct 7 in order for Jewish people to take Palestinian land? Despite that conspiracy theory having no evidence?

It is not nust Netanyahu trying to rescue the hostages. It is israelis too.

You keep saying no evidence but you clearly haven't even tried google since the New York Times shows up pretty easily.

I already replied to this brainless line of thought. Scroll up when you get the reading comprehension.

You replied by calling people communist for some reason. Yet you claim we are brainless?

How about you try again, and this time think about your words a bit so they make a little sense.

What do you think the ml in lemmy stands for? Look at where people I reply to comment. What is the current trend online?

Seems like I gave it more thought than you did.

No I'm still waiting for you to tell me what you think communist means.

I will give you an actual answer if you answer this question:

Do you deny that the vast amount of support that hamas is getting western online comes from dsa, progressives, tankies, communists and socialists?

It comes from people that haven't bought the Zionist line, don't accept Israeli propaganda at face value or that have eyes and can see what is happening in Gaza. The rest is your personal bias getting in the way. This is evidenced by your desire to call any disagreement anti-Semitism to quell discussion. Being anti-Israel bombing the shit out of Gaza is not anti-Semitism and if you cannot see that distinction you are pointless to talk to. That you see support for Palestinians as support for Hamas is another glaring Blindspot you seem to have.

Stop using anti-Semitism as a cudgel when you cannot defend the indefensible, it is gross.

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I don't fault anyone for being born, but I fault them for what they do with life. I am not against Jewish people, but Netanyahu's regime. I do not support HAMAS, but the Palestinian people who, along with ethnic jews, are being exterminated. Nuance. Fine details.

Do you believe jewish people conspired to let hamas attack on oct 7 in order to take Palestinians land? Despite no evidence?

If you do, that is anti semitic.

Israel was built for European immigrants. They're not Semitic. Arabs are.

There's jews that lived ther, jews that migrated from Europe, and jews that came from the Ottoman states and the Middle East to escape discrimiation under islamic regimes. Descendants of the latter group being the largest today iirc

Dna sequencing shows that the Y chromosome from israelis is much closer to other middle easterners and jews that never left the middle east than any europeans.

This is an anti semitic lie that you peddle. The jews in israel rn have always been middle eastern.

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