Young voters right now overwhelmingly prefer Biden: The Economist/YouGov poll to politics – 715 points –
Young voters right now overwhelmingly prefer Biden: The Economist/YouGov poll

Young voters overwhelmingly say they would support President Biden over former President Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up if the 2024 presidential election were held today, according to a poll released Wednesday.

In the Economist/YouGov poll — conducted via web-based interviews Dec. 16-18 — more than half (53 percent) of registered voters under 30 said they would support Biden, and less than a quarter (24 percent) said they would support Trump.

Another 10 percent said they would support another candidate, 4 percent said they were not sure, and 9 percent said they wouldn’t vote.


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You don't have to like Biden to know that he's the only valid choice

You vote for a racist ZioNazi if you vote for Biden. He is no longer a valid choice the mask is off.

Are you suggesting Trump is a valid choice?

Third party or no vote is a valid choice.

Plenty of other options out there.

That's weird, that would be the same thing Russian propaganda tells me to do.

First-past-the-post realistically cannot support more than a two-party system, and I will always vote for the candidate to the left, who just happens to be Joe Biden. Not voting and third parties get us Trump.

I'm sorry is Joe Biden literally committing genocide Russian propaganda to you? Are you denying that Joe Biden is committing genocide right now?

I deny that Joe Biden is literally committing genocide right now.

If I had to guess he's probably just gotten through with his daily post-brunch game of Backgammon.

3rd party or no vote in a 2 party FPTP system is a vote for the candidate polling higher. You're just throwing your right to vote away.

If you can only vote for a Nazi then you have already thrown away your voting rights.

You are voting for a russian asset, who is a traitor, and who likes nazis...... so what?

Some of us may vote for Claudia de la Cruz., waste your vote in a third party, like it is a good option now that you have an autoritarian racist idiot. That'd works /s

Is it not my vote to waste?

You said it bud, but when the auroritarianism of the right comes, don't cry that you waste your vote.

Do you honestly think Republicans will never win another election for President? Fascism is here, and there will be a dictatorship. One could argue that the corporatist capture of the government is a de facto dictatorship of the rich.

Republican win in base of lies, racism and hate it is just like that.

Lol, you really don't know rhat a dictatorship is. And the only risk od that is the republican party.

Dude, I’m nearly 65 years old. So tired of people telling me what I don’t know. I know how to use the internet,

A dictatorship is an autocratic form of government which is characterized by a leader, or a group of leaders, who hold governmental powers with few to no limitations. Source

Did you notice what the angry cheeto said about being a dictator?

Good for you for being able to "google" something, but darn it, the fact that the mango mussolinni tries to use the power to his advantage and openly said that he will use said power to hit the opposition and be a "dictator only for one day" makes me realize that you don't even know what he is going to do.

And you do? Why are you wasting your talents on here? Go save the world.

I just like ro.point out the hypocrisy and the stupid comments some people do.

So to continue, do you really thought that this fallacy would land?

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"Whelp, the world's gonna end some day, might as well end it sooner."

One could argue that fascism is fascism and that the privileges afforded to the wealthy is a flaw or possibly a feature of capitalism.

Ergo, capitalism facilitates fascism. Thanks for helping me get there.

That wasn't your argument, but okay. If your argument is that we should dismantle capitalism, then voting for a third party is not gonna do that, unless you want some type of authoritarian regime to win that is eventually overthrown and replaced, which isn't a solid plan either.

If someone has a solid plan. I’ll make time. The goal is to shift the Overton Window to the left. And we can’t do that by voting for the status quo.

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