Afghan schoolgirls are finishing sixth grade in tears. Under Taliban rule, their education is over to World – 948 points –
Afghan schoolgirls are finishing sixth grade in tears. Under Taliban rule, their education is over

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For the bigots out here, this is just the Taliban being incels. Nothing related to religion, if anything a lack of religious knowledge.

Religion is the vehicle of monstrosity

It truly is. In all it's forms and shapes.

Religion is like comunism, the idea is good! But the execution is always dependant on the human factor, who abuse these systems without control.

How is the idea of religion good? Sure, it may provide some people some comfort, but it can't tell you things that are true.

As you said, Desperate people need hope.

The organized part is where the trouble comes in.

I guess the Americans Genocide in Palestine is just a very religious crusade. Must be Jesus's fault!

I cannot tell if this argument is for, against, or just dumb

It's about as logical as I'd expect from someone trying to defend religion.

Who knows. All these secular nations are the most moral until they do evil stuff then it's religion's fault.

America is not a secular nation lmao. The entire language of the Bush administration during the Iraq war was one of a 'holy war' -- they wanted it to be a new crusade.

The one positive aim he had in the Middle East, driven by religion, was achieving a state for Palestine and security for Israel, so he's at least 0 for 2

America just wanted a base in the middle east to extort and terrorize other countries with and steal their oil. Bush was as religious as Donald Trump.

Hypocrites abusing religion as a pretense for their misdeeds are described in pretty much every religious book.

Now defend the CCP and China. Are they religious too?

I'm not arguing that secular people (or, indeed, nations) can't be evil. While you bring up China, though, it's a bit of a myth that they're not religious; approximately 80% of the Chinese population practise cults of gods and ancestors or belong to folk religious movements.

My point was that it's a bit odd to pick the US as your example of a secular country when it is at the moment de facto Christian.

With regards to Bush being 'as religious as Trump', that's just simply not true. He's a pretty devout Christian, and has put it in a prominent position in all his campaign rhetoric, more than any other president of this generation. If you just Google George W Bush religion you'll find plenty of news articles from a variety of sources saying that (e.g. this or this).

"God chose him" huh.

Titus 1:16

They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.

nothing related to religion

You have got to be kidding with this one right? No one can be that dense

What's the relation? Nothing in Islam forbids female education.

The only point of contention you can have with it is that it enforces segregated male and female schooling but it doesn't ban female education. Since schooling was already segregated in Afghanistan there is no religious reason for the Taliban to close those schools.

The Taliban sadly has heavy elements of tribalism that are not religiously but culturally motivated.

The relation is that if a girl in Afghanistan now dares to seek out higher education, she will be denounced by the Talibanis as an infidel trying to defy Islam.

Islam is the base they use to enforce this cruelty. The fact that the religion originally didn't intend this is immaterial.

You're missing the point where religion is always (ab)used to control the masses for whatever point you want. Want to go to war? God hates the enemy and wants you to fight! Oeipoemdie due to poverty caused by government mismanagement? It's gods will. Want to stop girls from attending school? That is just the way that god wants it baby, sucks to be you!

Some people will do anything to lick the Taliban's boots.

Oh yes, it's "religion is not a at fault" right here.

As well described in another comment thread, Quran literally encourages everyone to learn, with no gendered distinction made.

You may easily write off bigotry on religion, but it's literally them doing some crazy shit and covering with religion that clearly says not to do this.

That's same as many American Christians literally ignoring the Bible, but this time way more consequential. Bigots will stick to religion as an instrument of power and hope nobody actually reads the sacred books, because they never said all those things. Should there be no religion, they'd use something else.

That is not to say religions are flawless. But bigotry just uses religion as a cover, it doesn't come from it.

Religion in reality is defined by the action of its adherents. The books are just pieces of paper, that the holy book doesn't condone this cruelty is immaterial when the adherents are overwhelmingly indulged in it. There are definitely Islamic sects around the globe that are socially good, but Talibani Islam is filth that needs to be eradicated.

Sure, and here we can agree.

Just saying that Talibani Islam is as far from actual Islam as Greenland from Australia.

No, it DOES have to do with religion we are NOT in politically correct feel good land here. Welcome to reality where religion and communism is USED to TERRORIZE human kids and adults.