Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads

Lee to – 1009 points –
Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads

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I get wanting to keep porn away from children, but on the flipside I don't trust governments with a history of criminalizing homosexuality with my porn history. Looking up, it seems that these states even kept laws against sodomy in their books.

I had to look this up, and this is so nuts, but there are currently 12 states that stilll have sodomy laws as of late 2023: Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas.

I think a lot of people might not realize that sodomy is often legally defined as anything that is not PIV intercourse. So most foreplay and obviously any sex practiced by homosexual couples. I absolutely don't get why there isn't a stronger push to get rid of this and other dumb laws against offenses that are widely committed and/or are hard to enforce.

Well I guess this one kind of makes sense in this current state of political turmoil.

Because they’re all federally illegal (until they aren’t) by Lawrence v. Texas. And of those 12, 2 definitely would overturn if Thomas has his way (Lawrence was one of the decisions he said he wants reviewed) and 2 are iffy. Texas would gladly enforce anti sodomy laws today if they could.

As someone trapped in this shithole of a state, can confirm that Texas would be going after people with this law.

I heard Texas has a ballot initiative to change the state's name to Republic of Gilead

I just looked it up to confirm because I've only known it to mean butt sex, but the Wikipedia article on it agrees with you.

I don't think any of those states actually enforce those laws though, most likely because it would be difficult to get evidence of such acts. Just because the law exists in the books doesn't mean it's still upheld, tons of states have "dumb laws" that aren't enforced (you can't keep an alligator in a bath tub, you can't beat your wife with a stick thicker than your thumb, you can't drive on Sundays, etc...) but we're never removed because the process is too arduous.

We were all kids once, we found a way. I did, other kids will. Sure we can make it harder to access, but blocking it isn't the solution that republicans think it is.

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Exactly, additionally I don’t trust governments that consistently fail to understand artistic merit in sexually graphic art and sought to ban it to maintain free expression.

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