It's time to admit Lemmy has won the "the biggest reddit alternative" award, why it's time for all of us to consider supporting it (here's why) + reopening r/LemmyMigration

Lee to – 1728 points –
It's time to admit Lemmy has won the "the biggest reddit alternative" award, why it's time for all of us to consider supporting it (here's why) + reopening r/LemmyMigration

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Jesus. Look at those comments. Reddit has gotten considerably worse since the exodus.

I think they hired a troll farm to make it look like engagements are up

I think people are willing to do it for free because they think being contrarian gives them some sort of clout.

One comment was just "too long won't read Reddit won lol". It was seriously only four paragraphs, way to self own, Reddit guy.

I rarely see worthless contrarian posts like this here and it's generally called out by at least a few people when it occurs.

It's the same psychology that in meetings, people try to show intelligence with their abilities to deconstruct others' ideas without suggesting anything better. It's a cheap win at another person's expense and it's pathetic

I have a feeling that the sorts of people both still active on Reddit and also still subscribed to "RedditAlternatives" are probably not the sort of people who are likely to take charge over their own happiness.

Looks like a lot of people of the conservative end of the political spectrum who can’t handle the leftist nature of Lemmy generally.

There’s an interesting thesis in this somewhere; conservatives respecting authoritarian power structures. Seems like they enjoy the boot of reddit.

IMO as Lemmy continues to grow those people will eventually find their way here. Conservatives love it when something is established and no longer new and scary.

I think it’s more an international thing. There was a thread a while back saying post where you’re from. Way less American dominated here, hence less American conservatism and ‘leftism’ and more balanced global views rather than the excessive america centredness of reddit. Federation helps with that too. No American corporate entity shaping the culture.

Except when users complain that a channel called "Politics" at shouldn't be exclusive to US politics. Then it's American exceptionalism all the way down, baby.

You think we could start a World Politics community here without it quickly becoming r/anime_titties?

Didn't follow r/anime_titties, but there's definitely userbase that would be interested in a channel dedicated to the discussion of various global political topics. I don't have the energy to moderate what that could become, though.

Ha wow, you weren’t kidding.

Some of those comment chains have real “drinking the verification can isn’t that bad” vibes.

Reading through some of the complaints, I suspect part of the problem some users are having is that they want to be toxic and argumentative, so jumped into the most toxic and argumentative parts of lemmy and then bounced off because their specific flavor toxicity was outnumbered.

>Reddit comments complaining about Lemmy on a post on Reddit with significantly less upvotes than the post on Lemmy about the post on Reddit about Lemmy.

I think these people are still in the denial stage of grief despite it being 6 months after the api apocalypse. They’ll come around eventually

Mate, that subreddit is dead because the few upvotes here are from people who came from there. So of course there aren't a whole lot of people on that sub anymore - but that's not indicative of the state of Reddit as a whole, especially compared to the fediverse.