Obama urged Biden to beef up campaign amid worries about Trump strength in polls: report

flyingsheep@lemmyhub.com to News@lemmy.world – 442 points –
Obama urged Biden to beef up campaign amid worries about Trump strength in polls: report

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I get it. He’s old, he’s on the “wrong side” of Israel/Palestine, etc. Doesn’t fucking matter. It’s a binary choice, you got Brandon or you got trump. And if you can’t accept that stark reality, you’re probably too stupid to impose your opinion on others.

Know who else is on the wrong side of the Israel/Palestine conflict? No matter who wins, Palestinians lose, because a Trump administration will absolutely let the IDF go gloves off.

They're both on the wrong side.

How about if we try it like this: Israel is a satellite wing of the US army.

Now all 3 are wrong.

It also seems kinda redundant.

The real problem here is that the majority of voting Americans have been manipulated by narrow interests to support the wrong side. Fucking idiots and their fairy tales.

The real real problem is the millions of people who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 primaries forcing us all into this situation today. Fuck those people.

You gotta be dumber than dogshit if you think any prez from either party wouldn’t do exactly as Brandon is doing. Why the fuck do you think he’s doing this? hint: it’s because he’d lose more votes if he didn’t support Israel.

it’s because he’d lose more votes if he didn’t support Israel.

Then all the people who said we can push Biden to the left were lying and I'm not going to vote for him again.

Have fun shooting yourself in the dick.

Have fun defending people voting for procorporate trash in the 2020 primaries.

I’m not defending anyone. Your grasp on reality seems tenuous.

Does that mean you agree people who voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries are selfish pieces of shit?

Because they want a better country (than the alternative)?

There were much better options in the 2020 primaries. There was no good reason to vote for Joe Biden.

Sorry, I reacted like we were talking about those that voted for him in the general

Still, I don't think everyone that voted for him in the primaries is by definition evil and trying to sabotage the Left. Some of them are just plain dumb or uninformed. For example, I read/saw a short interview with an African American whose sole reason to vote Biden was that he played second Fiddle to a black president for eight years and he thought he should be rewarded for it. Goes to show you what we're up against, dunnit

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Wow! You must be very small and very sad to have this one single issue let you sell out your country to a dictator.

People have been very vocal about multiple issues with Biden. You just aren't paying attention.

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IDF won't have to because America will enter a hot war with Iran because Trump is an actual Zionist.

Trump will enter such a situation because he wants to build a resort somewhere for money laundering purposes, not because he is beholden to any specific faith or idealogy.

Trump is literally out there quoting Hitler. He is not a Zionist, not even in the Christian Nationalist "we need Israel to exist to start the Rapture" kind of Zionist.

Do you think he knows he's using the same words as Hitler?

I think he admires the words of Hitler (and the unfettered power it briefly afforded him), but there’s a possibility Trump’s too senile to realize he’s now using Hitler’s words directly.

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It does matter, though.

That's what democrats still haven't realized.

Maybe a 2nd trump presidency will teach them.

That's not the lesson learned by Trump winning. The learned lesson would be Joe Biden isn't enough like Trump and the democrats need to be further right to win.

So they can recruit more conservatives?

What makes you think a significant number of people who voted for Trump will ever consider voting for a democrat?

I don't think that. But that's the lesson that gets learned. Why did Biden get the nomination? Because he was "electable." What did primary voters decide electable meant? The most milquetoast and "center" candidate of the bunch. Trump winning doesn't push Democrats to be progressive or bold. It pushes them away from that. Only when they feel they have huge majorities do they do anything verging on progressive.

It pushes them away from that.

All it did was cause them to run the exact same candidate that lost to Trump but this time with a penis.

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