Riots in France have already cost businesses more than $1 billion | CNN Business to World – 250 points –
Riots in France have already cost businesses more than $1 billion | CNN Business

Just weeks after hugely disruptive protests and strikes over pension reforms in France finally died down, businesses in the country are grappling with the fallout from a week of rioting.


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The only thing I reapect about fr*nce is their protest culture

Jk jk I'm sure there's other stuff like baked goods or whatever. Great job with the riots guys.

Great job? They destroy and loot their own cities in name of “protest”. This is not a protest, this is shameless looting and destruction.

This is not a protest, this is shameless looting and destruction.

You guys have the same talking points wherever you are.

  1. If you fk around trying to wind back social benefits to please like 5% of top incone receivers you FIND OUT when they break stuff.

  2. the vast MAJORITY of breaking stuff has been proven in the US to be right-winger provocateurs.

You are aware that the shops and infrastructure they are destroying have no influence on social security nor policy, right? You are also aware that most shops are family owned businesses that already struggle to make ends meet, and face similar issues as the people rioting? There are ways to protest and revolt against a government, that don't include stealing or breaking public infrastructure. I don't get why people think stealing is warranted when you tag protest on it.

This WHOLE ENTIRE talking point, in effect, takes away from THE POINT OF THE PROTEST.

The points of the protest are the eroding of everyone's quality of life because of an uppermost class AND THOSE WHO SUPPORT THEM

I am not the OP here but this is an example of how the narrative shifts when the demonstrators shift to property damage. This is why the right grows during periods of unrest. They use it to justify more oppressive policies and they get the support of those small businesses and community leaders. It is an immensely consistent trend throughout history. Even the American Revolution, so often touted as a natural course of events, did not gain popular support until the Boston Massacre (Only killing six people and nobody knows who shot first)

I thought this was about police violence? But sure. Oh and p.s, from a rational point of view, the pension age cannot stand as is, and must be increased to ensure pension for all

Oh and p.s, from a rational point of view, the pension age cannot stand as is, and must be increased to ensure pension for all

This terrible opinion is why you keep hitting that "BUT THE LOOTING11!1" lever lol

Then maybe cops should stop killing innocent people and the government should not protect their paid murderers.

Why is the only possible solution aimed at the protestors and not the actual institutions that caused the protests to be necessary?

It is their cities and they do as they please.

Government needs to learn the good old classic...

Fuck around, find out.

Yeah they are really showing the government ... I feel sorry for the innocent people that lost so much due to this "protest". People's cars burned down, family owned businesses had their shops looted and cannot make any money for the next couple of weeks, people relying on public infrastructure cannot use it.

Yeah... You don't feel this for ded kid tho.. Am I right?

God forbid profits got hurtz

It is sad that the kid got shot, but lets not pretend he was innocent.

Was he convicted in the French criminal court system and sentenced to death as the legally mandated punishment?

What in the deep fried fuck are you smoking? Death by cop is not how th justice system there is supposed to work.

I feel sorry for the innocent people that lost so much due to this "protest".

no you don't

Oh yes, the governemnt will tremble in fear, looking at the people destroying their own streets, while watching them from the top of the ivory tower. :D

Don't be such a pussy. You'll let people step all over you if you're afraid to fight back.

If you don't want to be a pussy, fight the people who wronged you. Fighting bystenders and their property makes you a coward.

Ah the mighty keyboard warrior.

What you are basically implying is that you are a "pussy" when you don't rob stores and destroy other peoples property? Don't like the government, vote for something else, or start a party yourself. If we allow people that are mad about anything to simply start destroying things and stealing stuff, then we are far from a society I want to live in.

Seriously guys, it sounds like Marjorie Taylor Greene or Ted Cruz or Ben Shapiro writes this stuff LOL

Imagine believing that voting changed anything. The only candidates who can win are the ones approved by the oligarchs.

Except the damage these pension changes will cause to these workers is likely trillions of euros over the next 60 years. Even if they did 100 billion in short term damages it would still be a better investment in the long term to prevent these changes as written'