Are Americans more prone to conspiracy theories than people in other countries? to Ask – 158 points –

It's wild.


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I would say people in countries with poor or non-existent public education are more prone. The USA's public education system was eviscerated in the 70's I think.

I would say people in countries with poor or non-existent public education are more prone. The USA’s public education system was eviscerated in the 70’s I think.

As early as the 60s, but really the 80s. Through the 70s US had some of the best public education on the planet. The move to privatize education started in earnest under Reagan (in California, as governor), and then further under Reagan (and every president and congress to now).


• calling for an end to free tuition for state college and university students

• annually demanding 20 percent across-the-board cuts in higher education funding

• repeatedly slashing construction funds for state campuses

• engineering the firing of Clark Kerr, the highly respected president of the University of California

• declaring that the state “should not subsidize intellectual curiosity”

How the fuck do you come to the conclusion that you're spending too much money on education

Educated people tend to lean liberal and conservatives hate open minded people.

It's this. People with good educations will figure out that the Republicans are lying to them to take advantage of them. Republicans don't want their pigeon/fools to think too hard about the lies they tell.

Look at Trump. Is he an obvious liar? Yes. But there are very "poorly educated" people who believe all the lies he says.

Right. We missed our chance when Hillary didn't get in. I can't see why people imply she's dishonest.

People in education tend to lean liberal. Conservatives don't hate people but they do realize there's such thing as being so open minded your brains spill out.


They are talking at the dinner table about doing things that are against my self interest. I don’t want those damn kids learning that. Therefore cut education

Rather that you know the market place of ideas that I espouse; as long as they match what I believe.

R E A G A N.

The Trump era began by ripping out the solar panels on the White House and tricking blue collars into voting against themselves.

It was, and is, fucking awful.

That last one hits hard. The state must subsidize intellectual curiosity. Intellectual curiosity gave us everything from electricity to modern governmental theory to the mathematics that would later turn out to allow wireless communications. Curiosity without a point is extremely valuable.

And it should be noted that even in late medieval Europe the state funded intellectual curiosity. The nobility were the state and many either were curious themselves or would patronize intellectuals

And people look at that and say, sure, I'll vote for this guy.

It's a self perpetuating spiral to hell.

By design. It's a lot easier to fleece stupid people.