
Twoafros@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 919 points –

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LaTeX gang reporting in.

Used LaTex in my previous life. Still reminisce those good old day, while I curse MS Word.

I wrote so much technical documentation in LaTeX when I started Unix and Linux in the 90s, I sometimes wonder why I don't use it any more.

Maybe because I don't write much stuff nowadays.


Picture still appears below appendices instead of introduction

Shouldn't it be only h! if you want the picture to appear where you place it?

If you truly need tex to throw all layout reasoning out the window and place the figure where you include it in the source you need to use H (may require the float or floatsomething package).

h - somewhere here please
t - allow this figure to be placed as the first thing on a page
b - allow this figure to be placed as the last thing on a page
p - allow this figure to be placed on a page with no text at all

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