Trump must still cough up at least $90M in E. Jean Carroll verdict — and soon — even though an appeal means she has to wait for it to politics – 367 points –
Trump must still cough up at least $90M in E. Jean Carroll verdict — and soon — even though an appeal means she has to wait for it
  • Donald Trump has to cut a fat check, and his appeal of the E. Jean Carroll verdict won't delay that.
  • Within 30 days of the judge's written judgment, Trump has to turn over either cash or a bond.
  • While he appeals the verdict, Carroll can't touch that money — but neither can Trump.

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I think you misread what I wrote.

I said "He doesn’t have it to hand over" not "he doesn't have to hand it over."

He doesn't have it to hand over because he's not that rich.

Shoot, my bad, you're right. I misread that as "he doesn't have to hand it over".

No problem. I think I could have been clearer. Chalk it up to the perils of communicating over text with no vocal inflections.

I give both of you an A+ in communication. You can now kiss or not up to you two really

gonna just point out the collective PTSD we are all suffering. I also initially read it incorrectly and didnt bother re-reading because... well... "its the orange asshole - of course he's avoiding consequence... again!"

this puss filled ass boil needs to see jail time.

I misread it as well. Better to just be blunt and say "Trump is broke as fuck"

Wow, yeah, my brain absolutely read "He doesn't have to hand it over" 😂

I can see how my choice of words could have been confusing.

He doesn’t have it to hand over because he’s not that rich.

I've reread it 6 times and still having trouble parsing it.

Can he hand it over?

No, because he doesn't have it.

He doesn't have it to hand over.

Mine too. Reading too quickly for that series of words to come out correctly, I guess?

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