Ilhan Omar speech proved to be mistranslated but outrage continues spread to politics – 263 points –
Ilhan Omar speech proved to be mistranslated but outrage continues spread

Republicans, rightwing figures and foreign politicians have seized upon the video despite proof the lawmaker was misquoted


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The Republican representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, has gone furthest in her response to the clip, calling Omar a “foreign agent in our government”. Greene, a leading supporter of Donald Trump, who also attempted to censure the Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib in November, called Omar a “terrorist sympathizer” on X last week, adding: “Somalian first. Muslim second. She never mentions America.”

I vote we should be allowed to see ALL donors of ALL politicians. full disclosure. And ban super-PACS altogether. We'll see whose the foreign agent.

We already voted on that bill. The Republicans voted against it, for some reason.

People in our government are required to financially disclose their finances, and anyone who doesn't should absolutely be investigated.

How many book sales are a form of getting around suspicious reporting, though? They write (or have shadow writers write) a book; sell them in bulk to... "super pacs" or whatevers; which are entirely funded by... russians, chineese, american oligarchs, etc.

They also report late, or not at all. (Mike Johnson doesn't have a bank account? interesting.)