Wait till you hear what the Homo sapiens did to the neanderthal...
We stabbed them with something else 😏
Not sure what your point is, assuming the theory that Homo sapiens wiped out homo neanderthalensis it was before you could really argue there was such a thing as colonialism.
The point is the tribes invade each other throughout history. Humans are colonisers just like bacteria.
Most of us like to think we've grown ethically over time. Slaves were commonplace throughout history. Now we see that as unethical, societies improved.
Unless they're prisoner in the US, apparently.
It's right there in the Constitution
You can have a little slavery if you behave (the Congress to US states)
Ah, argument from nature. Word to the wise: I used to find that fallacy compelling too, until I realized I with picking and choosing which parts of "nature" sounded right to me.
Kropotkin did it, and so do the momfluencers, and manosphere talking heads,. Even though they have widely contradictory takes.
It's not a good pillar for reason. It's another misty ideology, that only obscures your sources.
comparing humans to bacteria in a pro colonialism post
Yeah checks out
How about you go swim in rubbing alcohol if you're such a bacterium. Have fun.
Look at you, spiteful creature.
Really don't think you are in a position to call somebody a "spiteful creature" here
Really don't think you have any power over peoples positions.
Booooo to this cursed fucking species #TeamNeander
Wait till you hear what the Homo sapiens did to the neanderthal...
We stabbed them with something else 😏
Not sure what your point is, assuming the theory that Homo sapiens wiped out homo neanderthalensis it was before you could really argue there was such a thing as colonialism.
The point is the tribes invade each other throughout history. Humans are colonisers just like bacteria.
Most of us like to think we've grown ethically over time. Slaves were commonplace throughout history. Now we see that as unethical, societies improved.
Unless they're prisoner in the US, apparently.
It's right there in the Constitution
Ah, argument from nature. Word to the wise: I used to find that fallacy compelling too, until I realized I with picking and choosing which parts of "nature" sounded right to me.
Kropotkin did it, and so do the momfluencers, and manosphere talking heads,. Even though they have widely contradictory takes.
It's not a good pillar for reason. It's another misty ideology, that only obscures your sources.
Yeah checks out
How about you go swim in rubbing alcohol if you're such a bacterium. Have fun.
Look at you, spiteful creature.
Really don't think you are in a position to call somebody a "spiteful creature" here
Really don't think you have any power over peoples positions.
Booooo to this cursed fucking species #TeamNeander