You have to remove the plastic label if you want to recycle this plastic bottle. to Mildly – 389 points –

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Milk should come in bags, there I said it

We used to get it in glass bottles, and the bottles would be reused (not melted down).

Just a shame getting it that way costs about 3-4 times as much as a big four pint plastic jug from Tesco.

That's just dumb. It's supposed to cost a little more, where the extra money is returned upon returning the bottle.

So, do you just throw the bag in the fridge? How is it stored?

Throw the 4L bag in the fridge. Remove one of the three inner 1.3 L bags, and place it in the dedicated milk bag holder that every household has:

Snip the corner, pour yourself a glass, and enjoy!

How do you close the milk bag? Surely you can't leave it open wouldn't that shorten the milks lifespan, right?

Milk and other raw foods generally won't spoil any faster unwrapped Vs wrapped in a fridge. Wrapping is mostly to stop odour transfer and other physical contaminants. The lid of a milk jug would be functionally similar to wrapping a glass of milk with plastic wrap.

storage method - Uncovered Raw Meat or Milk in Fridge - Seasoned Advice -

I was wondering the same thing. I'm guessing it just gets used fast enough. They are smaller than what most Americans buy.

The bag-jug-holder-thingy that my partner's dad gave us has a little hook thing where you can pull the snipped end of the bag through. Works fairly well to mostly close the bag, and only lets out a drizzle of milk when you tip it (my kid's favorite part lol).

We don't close it. It's never been a problem.

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