Trump is winning big with his base, but there’s no sign that he's broadening support to politics – 36 points –
Trump is winning big with his base, but there’s no sign that he's broadening support

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Every single day Biden continues to support genocide, the closer I get to not being able to vote for him. Among my friends, I'm the most harm reductionist telling people that when election day comes, we have to do what's best with the choice we have. But I'm starting to become viscerally disgusted at the idea of voting for Biden

And by not voting for Biden, how do you expect the issue you care about is going to be addressed by a Trump administration? I’m in my 50s and have never been a fan of Joe Biden or most of the “centrist” Democratic Party - but you can sure as hell believe I’ll be casting a vote for him in November.

I don't know man. I'm the one who makes this argument. I'll probably still vote Biden on election day, but I want to vomit at the thought of him after seeing him support this.

It's one thing when he is just useless at getting actual shit done. "Nothing will substantially change" is one thing. But if I'm starting to break down on this, then that makes me scared that we are truly fucked

Worst part is that Biden trusts that he can do whatever he wants with supporting genocide because Trump is his opponent. It's an extra 'fuck you' to all of us.

I’m 100% voting for Biden, as Trump will both destroy US democracy and put the final nail into our species dystopian coffin with both climate change and the further empowerment of the rich. But we may be fucked in the sense that I think Biden is too unpopular in a vacuum(as in separate from Trump) for most voters to get the numbers out. I deeply hope that I am wrong but each thing he does that is semi divisive, let alone everything involving Israel, it gets harder for me to believe he has the ability to engender any enthusiasm for him

I've gone from being unenthusiastic about Biden to actively hating/despising him. To be clear, there is absolutely no world in which I will despise him less than trump. It's one thing to try to get people enthused, it's another when you have to bank on fear of the worse guy.

If he had looked the other way for just a month or two, that'd still be bad but at least we could be like "well it was a complicated situation but he made the right decision". It's almost March and it was already an undeniable and unbearable tragedy by Halloween of last year. I think we extremely close to the point of no return.

I feel that, election is still a long ways off and all kinds of crazy bullshit is bound to happen, but my confidence in his electability is not high. As much as I dread it I’m mentally preparing myself for the worst case scenario.

Jesus even if Biden kicked the bucket, which I’m not hoping for but it is a very real possibility, Kamala doesn’t give me any more peace of mind. Trump stroking out would give me some brief respite but I think Haley would kick the shit out of Biden purely by not being him or Trump, and the GOP would still push most of their insane agenda through if they can.

Things do not look good from my perspective, and I used to be an idealist

In politics you pick and choose your battles. Biden is a needed stepping stone to get a true progressive in 2028. After 8 years of Obama we almost elected Bernie if it wasn't for the corruption that happened in the primary process. 2028 is the year of progressives.

This is like saying you're not going to vote for Biden because he's white. Or old. Or a capitalist. So is the other guy. There isn't another viable option. Trump has just as bad, if not a worse stance on Palestine, even provoking further conflict by moving the embassy during his tenure. You can't expect any US president to go to war with one of our only two legitimate allies in the region, but Biden's at least trying to broker a ceasefire for hostages.

There's another option. We're just scared to break the glass on the emergency switch. I don't blame you. It is scary.

Stop pretending "bad" and "worse" are our only options. If we wait too long it will be too late.

viable option

If you're too cowardly to face the fact that your "viable" options will lead you into fascism and pull the ripcord, then there is only one "viable option."

Sockpuppet account

Oh? That's news to me.

I blow off steam one time about being completly dishearted about the government and Biden after watching a video of a service member lighting themselves on fire and yelling free Palestine and I'm a sock puppet? I get it that some people are able to compartmentalize what Biden is doing right now and the criticality of keeping Trump out of office. But I wasn't able to yesterday when I was still reeling. I wanted to truly appreciate Aaron Bushnell's sacrifice, and with that, I did my best to let myself feel the true gravity of the genocide in Israel. Feeling the full weight of it, I feel angry, sad, dishearted, overwhelmed, grief and disgusted.

I'm feeling better today. if the election was yesterday, I'd have abstained. If it were tomorrow, I'd probably still vote blue no matter who.

This is what people trying to get Trump elected sound like.

Trump will fucking nuke Gaza if given the chance. He also wants domestic concentration camps. Don't you think for a second there is any comparison between the two. Trump is a monster.

I'll die before voting for Trump (I'm trans so Trump winning well be extremely bad for me). But I'm so discouraged right now that i don't know what to do

[edit] changed a sentence