Does the GOP have a chance in 2024? to politics – 15 points –

The blue wall is 235-ish EV due to 2020 census changes. DeSantis needs to win Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania or he has no chance.


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The republicans will cheat as usual so ya.

What are you talking about? The Democrats committed massive fraud in Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania to get Biden elected. I went to bed on election night with Trump winning and wake up and he loses. That never happened before.

I went to bed on election night with Trump winning and wake up and he loses. That never happened before.

Hah, someone doesn't remember (or wasn't alive for) 2000, and the Brooks Brothers Riot

What are you talking about? The Democrats committed massive fraud in Georgia,

Surely you heard the words from your own candidate when he called the Georgia Secretary of State on the night of the election:

“All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,” Trump says, according to audio of the call. “There’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, that you’ve recalculated.”

GOP Candidate talking to a GOP Secretary of State asking for election interference in the favor of the GOP. Where is the election fraud?



You mean the one that has has MULTIPLE recounts including by paid contractors of supporters of the GOP and STILL didn't find votes showing Trump winning?

That's really strange... almost as if they count the mail in ballots last, and those drastically skewed blue. You know, since the GOP spent months attacking the idea of mail in ballots during a pandemic, so their people didn't use them as much. 🤔

Damn dude, you need to read up on this outside of your current bubble. This comes across incredibly naive.

Dems votes come in late because

  1. urban counties take more time to count
  2. big blue states are in different time zones
  3. vote by mail was adopted by Dems who were worried about getting covid in polling places, and those votes take longer to count.

Also, items 1 and 2 have been true for a long ass time. Presidential election results commonly see a wave of blue ballots come in at the end. 2020 just dialed this up even more because many urban votes were in envelops that were literally being opened and counted last.

It’s not rocket science. This has been invested a LOT and has gone to court dozens of times. No one has been able to come up with a credible widespread fraud claim.

This is disinformation.

It happened all the time. It used to take months to find out who was elected. That’s why there’s a transition. History is your friend. Heck even 2000, we didn’t have a decision for weeks. Just because everyone in your friend group voted for Trump doesn’t mean there wasn’t people voting for Biden. I did, and I know others did too

No, you went to bed on election night with only a portion of the votes counted from largely smaller, red counties, and by the time you'd woken up, they'd finished counting the larger, more urban (Democratic) counties.

You only think it was a chronological narrative because that's what the media, especially Fox, want people to believe so that it seems more exciting. But the fact is that all of the votes were in but it took a longer time to count the more populous counties, because there are more ballots there to count. And more populous (urban) counties are typically more Democratic.

This kind of thing has happened before, many times. The most famous one was "Dewey Defeats Truman" back in 1948.\_Defeats\_Truman

The newspapers had to be ready for the presses and at the time they finalized their headlines and articles, the conventional wisdom by the paper's analysts was that Dewey would win by a landslide. Early returns showed a close race but the analysts insisted they were right, the final count would surely align with Dewey.

Sound familiar?

For the record Trump was only winning in states that had no mail in voting and only in-person voting, which in 2020 was a few solid red states. At no point was Trump ever slated to win on election night 2020. Even Fox News never reported such a thing.

Was this your first election? I've gone to bed several times with my candidate seemingly in the lead only for them to lose. I will agree there has been massive fraud in the last several election cycles though.

I've gone to bed several times with my candidate seemingly in the lead only for them to lose

This argument (the one you're referencing not your argument) is just so absurd to me. "He was winning!" Yes, if I sprint out the gate against an Olympic long-distance runner than I'll probably briefly be in the lead too. No one is going to say the Olympic runner cheated when I lose.

Forgot the /s (or if you actually believe that... the claims of election fraud were basically a sore-loser rhetoric from defeated GOP candidates and all court cases alleging fraud were tossed out essentially immediately due to lack of any evidence; massive rewards offered to find any evidence of fraud also were unsuccessful).

You see, the thing is, when you went to bed they hadn't counted all the votes yet. And they didn't stop counting just because you went to bed.

We were all aware well in advance (several weeks in advance, actually) that mail-in ballots would a) be counted later in the process, and b) largely favor democrats, based on polling and demographic data.

Republicans also knew this, which became the entire basis for trying to suppress mail-in votes before the election- so it sounds like you might have relied on right-wing propaganda outlets instead of even semi-reputable news sources, who would have conveyed this information to you.

I think the essential problem is the way the news media, especially Fox, constantly promote the idea that election night is a race from a starting point to a finish line over the course of several hours. They do this because it's more exciting than the truth, which is that once the polls close, the election is fully decided, we just don't know the decision yet because it takes time to count millions of ballots.

They do this because it's more exciting than the truth

You're being generous. They do is because the less voters know about how voting works, the easier they are to manipulate.

Fox News is a propaganda group. They're not solely profit driven.

Since you were aware at the time, you should also be aware that the reporting was happening during ongoing vote counting. This was in November 2020, during the first resurgence of Covid, before vaccines were available (which happened Dec 14, 2020). Because of that, many states created mail-in voting processes which hadn't previously had them. And you should also recall how Trump and the Republican party were hard against voting by mail: a much higher proportion of Democrats would be using mail-in voting, for many reasons, not the least of which was the general right wing notion that Covid was somehow either not very dangerous, or a complete fabrication. (Narrator: It wasn't.)

During that ongoing count, day-of in person votes were often counted first. Because a disproportionately large number of those ballots were cast by conservatives, the again, ongoing vote counts showed Trump leading early on. That may have made you think Trump was "winning," but he wasn't. He was never "winning," because the winner is determined by, in the most simple terms, "who gets the most votes from all votes cast." (Edit: Unless you're a Republican, where you can win the presidency while losing the national popular vote, because the electoral college makes votes in more rural states, which generally vote conservative, carry more weight than votes from more urban states, which generally vote liberal.) While the count was ongoing, only some of the votes had been counted, even though all votes had been cast.

You went to sleep before the mail-in votes were counted. Nothing changed about the votes cast in the 2020 election while you were asleep. The only thing that changed was that the counting was completed.


Whenever they bring shit like this up it's always baseless accusations (or confessions because they always say democrats are doing the shit that the repubs are actually doing).

Right now it's this regurgitated bullshit of how Biden got money from Ukraine or China or whatever other country the repubs are currently hating (but it's okay that Trump had a bank account in China of course).

I don't know if they changed stories yet but that always came up when I used to browse/argue on r/conservative and no one ever brought up a factual source. They didn't even try to make up a source I never saw anything close to an actual source on that subreddit.

If you went to bed early in 2016 would you assume Trump cheated to win in the end? Or are you a hypocrite?

everybody replying to this guy as if he's going to read a single comment lol

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