‘We stand here as Jewish men who refute the Holocaust being hijacked’: Jonathan Glazer calls for end to Gaza attacks at Oscars

maniacalmanicmania@aussie.zone to World News@lemmy.world – 354 points –
‘We stand here as Jewish men who refute the Holocaust being hijacked’: Jonathan Glazer calls for end to Gaza attacks at Oscars

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Message to Glazer - do not for one moment believe that Hamas would spare you because you "refute your Jewishness."

“Right now we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people, whether the victims of October 7 in Israel or the ongoing attack in Gaza."

They do not refute their Jewisness, they refute their Jewishness being hijacked. It is quite obvious, except if you want to troll...

Ahh yes. Here's that classic bulletproof logic: criticizing the apartheid policies of Israel is the same thing as wanting to join Hamas.

They refute the Holocaust being used as a cudgel by Israel to justify attacking innocent civilians. They didn't refute their religion. If the 2 are one and the same to you, I'd pray on that.

The naivety of westerners who believe Hamas wouldn't throw them off a building if given the chance is outstanding. As is their need to quash anyone who thinks otherwise.

Sorry, are you saying because some people are authoritarian theocratic terrorists that it is acceptable to genocide the entire group? Starve the children to death? Nobody is trying to be pals with Hamas here.

That is basically the argument Israel is using, so probably what he was going for.

If Biden goes against them I wonder if they'll change their tune or continue to spew idf talking points. Oh who are we kidding, Biden will never do that...

Hamas is not the same as Palestinians and only a deeply racist person - seeing the people in other etnicities not like people but like nothing more than non-human etnics ("human animals") - would believe in such a "group blame" myth and use it to excuse punishing all Palestinians for the acts of Hamas.

It's funny how everytime a Zionist tries to justify the actions of Israel, they use "arguments" anchored in the very same twisted racist "logic" as the Nazis.

You know what they say... history doesn't always repeat itself but it often rhymes.

I'm sure I'd believe what you had to say if you didn't support murdering children and journalists

You realize westerners regularly go to Gaza and don’t end up thrown off buildings, right?

In fact, right now they're more in danger of getting shot by the IDF, considering they keep shooting at marked press and aid workers and vehicles.

And here you are, lumping all Palestinians in with Hamas. I'm pretty sure the children that Israel is starving don't support Hamas (yet, Israel is doing wonders for their recruitment).

Fortunately he doesn't have to worry too much about Hamas because he's not occupying their land.

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