Biden says Medicare should negotiate prices for at least 50 drugs each year, up from a target of 20 to politics – 408 points –
Biden says Medicare should negotiate prices for at least 50 drugs each year, up from a target of 20

Key Points

  • President Joe Biden said the federal Medicare program should negotiate prices for at least 50 prescription drugs each year, up from the current target of 20 medicines.
  • That proposal is one of several new health-care policy plans Biden will outline during his State of the Union address Thursday.
  • But the fate of his new proposals will be in the hands of a divided Congress, making it highly uncertain whether they will pass into law.

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Or we could just readdress healthcare since in 2008 we got a more conservative version of the Republican's plan and then promptly forgot about ever improving it

We need actual progressives to get shit done, Biden and other "moderates" just won't even try, and want us to be happy for crumbs.

Biden could be spontaneously replaced with Mao Zedong and that still wouldn't suddenly make a Congress with a Republican House start passing laws.

Healthcare reform is passed by Congress, not the president. So first you need 50, or better yet 60, Senators who are interested in getting it done.

So first you need 50

We had that. They squandered it.

No, we never had 50 who would kill the filibuster

From 2007 to 2011 Democrats controlled both the house and the senate. Obama was president from 2008-2012.

Democrats squandered it.

Democrats only had a Senate supermajority for 72 days.

Furthermore, a supermajority of exactly 60 votes only allows Democrats to pass something that 100% of them support. And Lieberman did not support anything more far reaching than the ACA, such as a public option.

Don't let facts ruin their narrative.

What's your narrative? Democrats had control of both the Senate and the house with a Democrat president for years and somehow it's still Republicans fault they did basically fuck all with it?

Doesn't change the fact. Democrats had control of both the Senate and the house. They squandered it.

On the contrary, they squeezed everything they could out of that majority.

And if that's not sufficient evidence to believe either our Democracy is completely broken or Democrats are corrupt or incompetent then you must be someone who's continuing to benefit from all of this while quality of life deteriorates for the rest of us.

No, it's evidence that Democrats are diverse. Not all of them agree with me or with you.

And in a democracy, legislation requires building a consensus. That means nobody will get everything they wanted.

I'm really sick of this lecture as if I don't understand that. I'm a human being who lives in reality I'm very familiar with not getting everything I want. I don't buy a car for $20,000 and then complain it doesn't have the quality of a $300,000 car. I will complain when the $20,000 car doesn't deliver what I expect for a $20,000 car. This is no different. Democrats held a majority in congress for four years. What they delivered with that kind of opportunity was inexcusably insufficient.

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... And a majority in the House.

They had that. They squandered it.

They had that? When did we have a progressive president for 2 terms, a Congress and a Senate that was all progressive. It hasn't happened in my life

Democrats had a majority in the Senate and the house for four years. If you're acknowledging that establishment Democrats are corrupt pieces of shit then I agree with you but it seems like you're trying to avoid acknowledging that fact.

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"Actual progressives" can't get shit done because they can't get elected.

Sometimes they get elected, but the system is so filled with corruption that it seems those progressive values are quickly abandoned. Justice Dems are, sadly, often good examples of this.

We have to end the legalized bribery and get money out of politics before any true progressive agenda can be implemented.

“Actual progressives” can’t get shit done because they can’t get elected.

But then the people who won't vote for progressives browbeat progressives into voting for their pro-corporate trash candidates. Or scream and cry when their pro-corporate trash candidate loses in the general.

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