She did her best ok? to Lemmy – 1218 points –

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Our class party's were always "bring a plate" type parties - parents would give the kids a plate of something to contribute

It was the best.

Potluck is always the best way to have a party, everyone contribute something.

I remember doing "stone soup" which was kinda the same thing. There's just one big pot of soup and everyone contributes ingredients to it.

I feel like that could go really great or fucking terribly depending on what kind of friends you have.

"I contributed beef!"

"I contributed potatoes!"

"I contributed a bag of doritos!"

"I contributed this bottle of moose piss!"

You know, duality of man type thing.

I'd show up with a bay leaf

"No no, that's good! Everyone give Timmy a hand, he brought something edible this time."

I love this comment because I recently learned bay leaves are hilariously divisive.

There are some pretty heated / humorous articles out there about them. I love it.

Potluck with friends: Great!

Potluck with strangers: Disgusting!


For fucksake guys

For fuck's sake, guys


Naaaah in Scotland "fucksake" is definitely a single word!

"Naaaah. In Scotland..."


Have you actually heard a Scottish person speaking? There's nae commas or full stops, just a stream of incomprehensible drivel from start to finish

Now I hear it spoken like:

Oh, fer fhucs sayk!