Trump urges Israel to 'finish up' its Gaza offensive and warns about global support fading to politics – 198 points –
Trump urges Israel to 'finish up' its Gaza offensive and warns about global support fading

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Nobody has cared for the last 7 decades. Heck, you Americans were calling for the extermination of Palestine after 9/11. You just suddenly care cause the news told you to. And you'll stop caring once the new conflict happens, just like y'all forgot about Ukraine already

I never heard anyone saying anything about Palestine after 9/11.

That's because, just like the day before 10/7, no one outside of FA circles was talking about Palestine.

Why was the Football Association talking about Palestine? Weren't they too busy defending obviously wrong refereeing decisions? 😛

The entire Arab/Muslim world was being constantly targeted by Americans who wanted them all dead after 9/11. I remember lots of pro Israel "wipe out those ones too" talk about Palestine around then. Heck, you guys were even going after sihks just cause of their head covering. I was an adult then and remember those first few months, Americans wanted brown blood

Americans are not a monolith, dude. A lot of us have grown up well-aware of the Israel-Palestine conflict, among other nuanced conflicts in the Middle East. Plenty of Americans have not forgotten about Ukraine, either. Quit scolding people on a website likely populated with much more liberal users. Jesus Christ.

You are a monolith to us, the people you colonized, fucked, killed and used as pawns. I don't give a fuck about your minority of good people, when your entire government ran around the globe fucking everyone, now suddenly I'm supposed to get behind you guys cause you act like you've changed

You are a monolith to us, the people you colonized, fucked, killed and used as pawns. I don't give a fuck about your minority of good people

First of all, I'm being pedantic here, but America never colonized a middle eastern or Arab country. I get your point, but calling America colonizers is just putting a hat on a hat.

Second, you sound just like the ignorant assholes in America who were harassing Sihks after 9/11. Stupid and full of hate.

We’re a monolith to you because you do not have any interest in reading anything about our deadlock legislative body over literally the shit you began this argument with. Grow up.

Americans are a pretty diverse lot. I don't remember any calls for attacking Palestine after 9/11. I'll take your word for it, but certainly no one in even my craziest right wing circles was saying that, so it was a vocal tiny minority. I spoke out against attacking Iraq. And against our use of torture.

Also I certainly haven't forgotten Ukraine. Nor have I forgotten how we fucked over the Kurds. I haven't forgotten the Uyghurs or Tibet. I'm concerned about Taiwan. I haven't forgotten about our mistreatment of Okinawans. The Bahamas. I could go on about the atrocities that my country has either perpetrated or profited from or at best been indifferent toward. There is just fuck all that I can personally do about any of it other than speak out to my friends and family.

Don't paint us all with one brush. The actions you see America take don't represent every single one of us. Often they don't even reflect the majority view.

Damn, opinions changing and evolving? Crazy… a whole country that isn’t constantly doing or believing the same thing? Insanity.

Also, we’re hopefully voting on Ukraine aid right after Easter…. I see Ukraine flags and “pray for Ukraine” stickers everywhere still.

They care because genocide is bad. This might be surprising, but setting aside the one they committed Americans have always been very not okay with genocide. Israel is (or was, anyway) the exception, not the rule.

Lol none of you Americans back home gave a fuck when your army genocided half my people. Now I'm supposed to believe you all grew a conscience.

Well, I’m not sure who your people are since you haven’t said but it’s unlikely that none of us cared. Again, you group every American together similar to how you claim we did/do to “brown people.” Americans are not our government. Our government does lots of things I and many others disagree with.