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Why is anyone using X in 2024?

I do, I have yet to switch to Wayland

Shit, I unironically thought they were talking about this, and I unironically haven’t switched because Barrier is broken on Wayland

I use X because Cinnamon on Wayland has no option to change the keyboard layout

I tried their experimental Wayland session and it's still super buggy on high refresh rate/high DPI screens (loads of graphical errors and artifacts) so still a ways to go imo

Wayland really doesn't like RDP/remote access, so X is the only way to go if you want that to work properly.

I actually never had an issue on my wayland system. I used remmina for rdp but never had an issue.

I tried it for a moment, made games stutter like hell, switched back. I know I need to go in and figure it out at some point, but it's hard to muster the energy when X, for the most part, works fine.

From what I've seen, it probably has to do with my Nvidia GPU.

Odd, when i switched to Wayland the stuttering stopped! Also on Nvidia

Depends on a few things with your setup: age of your GPU, the resolution/refresh rate of your monitor. I think even the choice of DP/HDMI can have an impact too

On nvidia, it definitely feels much smoother, but some GPU accelerated programs like games become flickery, i think it's an xwayland issue

I'm currently at the point where I blame everything that works on my Laptop but not on my PC on Nvidia, because that's literally the biggest difference between those two. Like currently my getty isn't displaying properly, which is surely NVidias fault.

Because my new intel integrated graphics cause Wayland to run like a slideshow.

because some of the hardware I use is too old to run Wayland

Idk I hang out on

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