Rudy Giuliani says earthquakes targeting "communist" US states to Not The – 650 points –
Rudy Giuliani says earthquakes targeting "communist" US states

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Look at California. You can't have more earthquakes than California. You want to figure out why?"

I think they're called fault lines. This is on the level of "tides go in, tides go out, you can't explain that!" Followed by an "are you fucking kidding?" face

There was a Republican politician that said something along the lines that God was punishing states because they allowed gays. And then his state got hammered in the ass by another storm.

He didn't walk back his statement.

These people just want to blame everything bad on their enemies.

Years ago Rick Perry also demanded that Texans pray for rain and god responded by setting the entire state on fire shortly after.

I wonder if Rick Perry was watching the Super Bowl the year Prince performed, when it suddenly rained out of nowhere.

Wasn't there one that had his house blown away?

Nah it's god, and when it's lightning god angy. And rain is god sad. And alligators our ornery because they got all them teeth but no toothbrush.

If my toothbrush was made of meat but I couldn't eat it, I'd be angry too.

It's a cult thing. You believe ridiculous shit that wouldn't fool a child as a way of proving your faith. The more ridiculous, the more faithful you are.