Israeli missile has struck Iran, US officials say - BBC News to World – 484 points –
Israeli missile has struck Iran, US officials say - BBC News

An Israeli missile has hit Iran, two US officials have told the BBC's US partner CBS News.

Iranian state media is reporting that flights have been suspended over several cities, according to Associated Press.

Iran has been on high alert after Israel said it would respond to an Iranian attack against it on Saturday night


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Please explain how Israel attacking Iran is Joe Biden's fault? He said the United States would not support a retaliatory strike against Iran's retaliatory strike. All the blame falls directly on Netanyahu and the Israeli government.

The US is Israel's shield... Israel can only afford to be a belligerent bully bombing embassies because nobody wants to get involved in a war with the US. The US is enabling Israel's worst behaviors.

You're right. Before this protection, they tried several times to wipe Israel off the map.

Nope, they didn't. Even the expression itself is the result of a deliberate mistranslation by pro-Israeli propagandists trying to bolster the completely bogus victim narrative of by far the most militarily powerful and active country in the region.

Hmm, Iran calls for it constantly. Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan tried several times. You can't just pretend history didn't happen.

Iran calls for it constantly

Do you have a credible source on that? Because propagandists keep claiming that without backing it up with actual evidence that they're not just making up whatever fits their narrative

Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan tried several times.

None of them anywhere near successfully and none of them in this millennium.

You can't just pretend history didn't happen.

And you can't just greatly exaggerate decades old events and pretend that they represent an imminent and existential threat.

I mean, you obviously CAN, since you just did, but you really shouldn't.

Do you have a credible source on that? Because propagandists keep claiming that without backing it up with actual evidence that they're not just making up whatever fits their narrative

Turns out Wikipedia has a great article on it:'s%20supreme%20leader,of%20Israel%20from%20the%20region%E2%80%9D.

I recommend checking the sources to verify it yourself.

None of them anywhere near successfully and none of them in this millennium.

Of course they were not successful, otherwise they would have wiped Israel off the map like their intended goal was. Also, your claim of not in this millennium is disingenuous. There are still plenty people alive to thought in those wars on both sides.

And you can't just greatly exaggerate decades old events and pretend that they represent an imminent and existential threat.

I> mean, you obviously CAN, since you just did, but you really shouldn't.

I didn't, that was you doing that. I was simply adding context to the person I was replying to.

Turns out Wikipedia has a great article on it:

Do you have any idea how biased an article has to be for Wikipedia to put that banner at the top of the article itself rather than just a section or somewhere on the talk page?

Also, your claim of not in this millennium is disingenuous. There are still plenty people alive to thought in those wars on both sides.

What kind of nonsense is that? By that standard, the Balkan war is still ongoing 🤦

I was simply adding context to the person I was replying

If by "adding context" you mean "repeating deliberately misleading to downright fraudulent propaganda slogans", sure.

Any information that doesn't follow your narrative is misinformation huh? That's the tactic you're going with to hide your own misinformation?

Those wars happened, those countries wanted to wipe Israel off the map. The US negotiated with them and gave most of them money to stop trying to destroy Israel. How about actually knowing history Instead of trying to come up with your own?

Any information that doesn't follow your narrative is misinformation huh? That's the tactic you're going with to hide your own misinformation?

The projection is strong with this one 🤦

Those wars happened, those countries wanted to wipe Israel off the map.

That doesn't allow Israel to slaughter Gazan civilians.

Just because I won't shed a tear when the genocidal fascist Netanyahu dies doesn't mean that he has a right to murder me, my family, all my neighbors and all the neighbors of my family.

The US negotiated with them and gave most of them money to stop trying to destroy Israel.

Bullshit. The US hasn't negotiated in good faith with a Palestinian leader since the 90s at the latest.

And even if they had, it wouldn't matter since it wouldn't stop the apartheid conditions and constant bombing that give the terrorists influence and therefore power in the first place.

How about actually knowing history Instead of trying to come up with your own?

You first, genocide apologist.

Oh geez, starting a new discussion because you were called out on your bullshit? I'm talking about surrounding countries, not the people those countries abandoned in their pursuit to destroy Israel. If you want to shift the discussion to a new topic, how about starting your own thread of discussion instead of trying to call bullshit on someone else's discussion?

You know what? Fuck this shit. You're clearly not capable of arguing in good faith or incorporating any new information into your ridiculously narrow Zionist worldview, so I'm not going to waste anymore time on your willfully ignorant ass. Have the day you deserve.

Now whose projecting? If you bothered to actually have a legitimate conversation about the topic, you wouldn't have tried steering it to a different topic instead.

It’s like people forget that the Israel/Palestine conflict has been going on longer than the partial term that Biden has had.

Israel/Iran conflict as well. It's just no longer through Iran's proxies only.

He said the United States would not support a retaliatory strike against Iran's retaliatory strike.

A retaliatory strike just happened. What's Biden's move?

Well, the Biden Administration did not support it in the sense that they din't send their missiles along and no US launch infrastructure was used.

They never actually said they were against it much less they would punish Israel for it.

The use of a "we won't help doing it" fromulation in a way that can be misinterpreted as "we're against it" so that they can have plausible deniability later when it turns out they're not really against it is pretty standard doublespeak from the US Administration.

He hasn't done anything to stop Netanyahu when he has a position of unique leverage. In fact he keeps rewarding this behavior with more weapons and fighter jets.

Netanyahu takes most of the blame for being the guy but Biden has had a 100 chances in the last few months to pressure him to stop. Instead we're shoveling more coal into the fire.

He's failed utterly for 6 months to do anything to reign in Israel when their genocide is being funded by US taxpayers. He's had 6 months to yank Netanyahu's leash and he's refused so the entire time.

This ENTIRE situation is a result of US foreign policy: Its a direct consequence of Bidens failure of leadership.

He said...

I think that is the point. So far Biden has apparently just said a bunch of words. Biden could actually do more than he is now. Instead, the genocide is continuing unabated, Israel continues to aggressively and wrecklessly escalate the regional tensions.

Come on genocide Joe, actually draw a red line and stick to it.

The mouth breather can’t explain anything. I’m sure Newsmax and Alex Jones told him all problems on Earth are Biden/The Democrats fault….

Implying that Genocide Joe is not responsible for his out of control attack dog he is actively supplying with weapons

You must be fucking confused if you think Netanyahu is Joe Biden's "attack dog". The Israeli government has spent the last 40+ years successfully coopting the United States government.

What do you think those shifty mother fuckers would be doing in an election year if he came out against them? I agree they need to he brought to heel, but if you think that is going to happen given the existing externalities of global & US politics then you are living in a fantasy.

"He has to support Genocide because israel controls US politics!"

Biden could just ban the israel lobby instead how about that.

Biden is not a dictator. "Ban the Israel lobby" - that's not who this works or how anything works.