MTG Cites Antisemitic Fable Jews ‘Handed Over’ Jesus To Be Killed

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MTG Cites Antisemitic Fable Jews ‘Handed Over’ Jesus To Be Killed

I'm Jewish and have been told very angrily that I killed Jesus more than once. It's fun.


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This. Why don't these people understand that Jesus died for EVERYONE'S sins?
WE ALL KILLED JESUS. Accept Him and repent.

I never killed anyone though. That's just emotional manipulation.

What you don't think you're a sinner for.. checks notes ..being born?

I feel like the stigma of sin is vastly overplayed when it's just an element of being human. Adultery and murder are the same as existing? Alrighty, almighty!

In a wider sense, just by shopping in the supermarket or owning a cellphone, you are participating in worldwide exploitation and mass murder.

Sounds like you're not very good at being a zombie or a pirate then.

Oh, you've got the wrong idea.

I don't eat brains, I prefer other intellectual properties.

I never asked him to do that and I don't particularly want to go to an afterlife filled with sanctimonious Christians, so I'll take the L, thanks.

Valhalla seems pretty chill, I'll look forward to seeing you there... or maybe I'll go chill with my pa in the sky people's city. Honestly, I think I'd probably want to be an afterlife tourist... I wonder how early I need to book that.

I don't want to go on forever. It sounds awful. Imagine every boring moment in your life and multiply it by infinity.

You gotta be mentally ill to believe this shit.

Seriously. This guy is probably a dirty Trumpster, too.

You all can have your little LARP and potluck, but kindly leave the rest of us the fuck out of it. I get that the world sucks and thinking someone will give you cookies for taking all the shit rich folks pile on you day after day is appealing, but it's just excusing your own exploitation. I'm not about that life.

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