Nearly half of cancer patients have more than $5,000 in medical debt, even though most are insured to – 315 points –
Nearly half of cancer patients have medical debt, even though most are insured

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How did he end up with so much medical debt?

insurance doesn't cover everything, and the things they do not cover always just happen to be the most critical things necessary for treatment. it's a scam.

Exactly. And it's always been a scam. I only have health insurance because my employer forces it on me as a work benefit. I'd much rather just be paid more. It's not like the insurance will save me from debt when push comes to shove.

I thought it was illegal to not have health insurance

What? No. Absolutely no-one is going to jail for not having health insurance. I think you're thinking of the tax penalty for not having it.

Medical bills that insurance didn’t cover. Him and his wife didn’t share specifics with me, but my understanding is that he blew through the insurance maximums yearly for years. Leukemia is a bitch.

That sounds awful. I was at the Mayo Clinic recently and talked to a woman who was in remission from stage 4 appendix cancer. I can't even imagine what that sort of rare cancer would have cost.

Isn’t the appendix removable?

I would think so, but after her husband started talking about "woke ideology," I decided not to ask any questions. I am guessing she wouldn't have been at Mayo if it were that simple.

Between the ways deductibles and out of pocket maximums actually work, that's probably just a few years of fighting cancer on a Bronze or Silver ACA plan.