Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? to No Stupid – 426 points –

It’s kinda how you read the name, innit?


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It's impossible to ask a stupid question here, actually. Try it!

Here, I'll do one:

******** ?


Ok, what'd I miss? I don't understand the reference.

It's a rather old reference...

Wow! Can't believe I've never seen it before, considering I've been in the internet since 1994...


When did it die? That's so sad

Fairly recently, I believe. I think it was earlier this year.

There's some mirror/archive sites already set up with all the old content, though.

Well it's a series of tubes - you might have been in a different one to (rip).

Glad I could bring this one to you :)

Welcome to the Fediverse.

what's the first browser you used?

I was 7 when we got our modem (I still have the packaging for it!), but browser? I think it was Netscape, but that might also have been a year later, for all I know. If you want a photo of the modem box because you don't believe me, let me know.

I'll bite:

Is hunter2 a strong password?

not any more

Tbh it never was. It was practically as weak as a password could get, even before becoming a meme.

Thanks to Unicode, 𝓱𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻2 is a very strong password now.