"Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

Wilshire@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 801 points –
"Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

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You know this kinda makes me think that it would've been funnier if they connected two cities that hate each other more than just like, dublin and new york, which I can't really think of as ever having had beef. Maybe NYC and chicago, or something. You can't really put something like this in texas or LA because nobody fuckin walks anywhere, unless maybe you put it in like long beach or like some random part of Austin or something. Seattle? Does Seattle have beef with anywhere? On the other side, could we connect Dublin with like, London or something? Maybe some city in northern Ireland?

Something like outside Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park, and they’d probably be destroyed in minutes…

That'd be fuckin awesome though, imagine the chaos you could just ambiently cause, especially if you made it out of like, bulletproof glass and concrete, and maybe included some self-cleaning mechanism, or set the camera back from the glass a ways, so people couldn't obfuscate the camera or the image. Could be the move, could be the play.

Seattle has beef with Portland. Hippie beef. Impossible beef.

Mississippi and Bagdad

You'd just have the religious nutjobs get the thing shut down in the name of "saving the children."

I don't know what the Baghdad citizen would do though.

(In case this goes over people's heads, I'm calling the Mississippians the religious nutjobs)

Moscow and DC. What could possibly go wrong.

This would be a pretty one sided fight.

Now DC to Beijing. That would be spicy.

I don't think the average Chinese person is as rabidly nationalistic as Americans and Russians though.

Give me Tehran and Jacksonville. Miami and Havana. Nashville and Pyongyang.

The thing would be shot down in secs. OH NO COMUNISTS. Ratatata skrskr

Equally likely to be shot down by Russian soldiers for spreading "western lies"

I fear, stones would quickly put an end to such portals.

Miami and San Francisco would be excellent

But make both of them out of bulletproof glass

Toronto and Boston would be funny as hell LOL