Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them" to World – 532 points –
Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

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Israel and Russia acting pretty much the same way at the moment. Yet most of the Western world supports one while condemning the other.

I don't know anyone outside of the political class and a few right wing nutters that supports israel, especially after the images coming out of rafah in the last few days

edit: even my daily heil reading "shoot em in the channel" relative was perturbed

I absolutely support the right of Israel to exist and defend itself against Hamas. I just don't think that this sanctions the bombing of innocent Palestinians in Gaza or to pursue an aggressive settlement policy.

I am in favor of Israel.

I am strongly opposed to Netanyahu. Fuck that guy and his entire government.

They aren't "defending themselves" they are the aggressors

I support the right of Israeli civilians who aren't part of the right wing to exist. The rest should reap what they sow.

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It would have been harder to support Ukraine if they went and killed thousands of innocent Russian before being aggressed by Russia. But they didn't.

Most of the west do support the right for Israel to defend itself from such attack, but there is no doubt that Israel went way to far with their riposte. No matter if the Hamas uses the Palestinian as meat shield, Israel made so many "mistakes" and killed so many innocents that it should have asked long ago for the UN to intervene in their place to avoid further unnecessarily killing.

No they really are hateful people, they are just using this as an excuse to kill people they hate, it's not a mistake they're meaning to do this. They were never going to ask the UN to intervene because that would have robbed them of the opportunity to commit mass slaughter.

That why I'm talking about "mistakes". No one in their right mind would believe them.

You're wrong. Palestinians have a right to defend themselves, but they're being oppressed and genocided for decades and no one gives a shit. Israel doesn't have ANY rights.

I never denied Palestinians right to defend themselves. They are oppressed by an apartheid-like regime (no matter how democratic it is), and have every right to denounce that. But I can't either blame the Israeli to try to defend themselves when Hamas goes and assassinate men women and children in cold blood. No amount of oppression can justify this kind of violence.

And now we got Hamas hiding behind the starving Palestinian population, while Israel indiscriminately bomb everyone with no care for their safety.

In the end we have two evil fighting each other, while the general populace (especially Palestinian) suffers. I can't support either, best I can is to support ending this senseless war to allow those who suffers to rebuild and seek a peaceful solution that bring everyone together as equals. There was multiple time in history where we were quite close to a solution, but every time, extremist of both side went and fucked everything over.

Lol what?

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