Stormy Daniels Has Marriage Advice for Melania Trump: Dump His Ass to politics – 230 points –
Stormy Daniels Has Marriage Advice for Melania Trump: Dump His Ass

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Melania and Donald are both vile humans who totally deserve each other.

Yep, I had sympathy for her, presuming her to be a mail order bride who was in over her head, until she started adding her own signature cruelty on top of her husband's.

They deserve each other.

This did it for me. When she wore this specific jacket for the first and last time when on a "humanitarian" tour of the child border immigration camps. A tour that was promoted by the brutal "familiy separation" policy that separated migrant families and kept NO RECORDS about family relationships when they did so.

Well, I knew next to nothing about her (outside her position relative to the asshole). TIL she's also an asshole.

The entire family are scumbags. Even his youngests. His daughter showed up to support him at the last trial and he didn't even recognize her. She's still supporting him. The kid graduated highschool and went right into politics. We all know about the three older stooges.

Where is his statement? The PR guy said he had other commitments. It is not like he said fuck that shit I don't want to have anything to do with it.

No, but he may still want to save face. He's 18. He'll have to deal with that orange shitbag until a few years into college at least before he can break away.

I'm not saying he's a good guy. I'm saying we can't know. Maybe he is rebelling by being a decent human being.

No way, I am sure he just sits around fantasizing about race wars and his father assassinating political rivals. We will never know for sure...

Send them both to Russia, let them sort their marriage issues out there. Obviously she's a mail order bride anyways...

There’s a damn good national security reason to never let him out of the country again.

I wonder how many secrets Trump still remembers that he didn't give to Putin yet.

Would you trust anything Trump rambled about off the top of his head? It could be true, it could be made up on the spot, it could be something spouted by the last guy Trump talked to, or it could be a stream of bullshit with one good tidbit buried inside that you won't even notice.

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