Stormy Daniels Has Marriage Advice for Melania Trump: Dump His Ass to politics – 230 points –
Stormy Daniels Has Marriage Advice for Melania Trump: Dump His Ass

Melania and Donald are both vile humans who totally deserve each other.

Yep, I had sympathy for her, presuming her to be a mail order bride who was in over her head, until she started adding her own signature cruelty on top of her husband's.

They deserve each other.

This did it for me. When she wore this specific jacket for the first and last time when on a "humanitarian" tour of the child border immigration camps. A tour that was promoted by the brutal "familiy separation" policy that separated migrant families and kept NO RECORDS about family relationships when they did so.

Well, I knew next to nothing about her (outside her position relative to the asshole). TIL she's also an asshole.

The entire family are scumbags. Even his youngests. His daughter showed up to support him at the last trial and he didn't even recognize her. She's still supporting him. The kid graduated highschool and went right into politics. We all know about the three older stooges.

Where is his statement? The PR guy said he had other commitments. It is not like he said fuck that shit I don't want to have anything to do with it.

No, but he may still want to save face. He's 18. He'll have to deal with that orange shitbag until a few years into college at least before he can break away.

I'm not saying he's a good guy. I'm saying we can't know. Maybe he is rebelling by being a decent human being.

No way, I am sure he just sits around fantasizing about race wars and his father assassinating political rivals. We will never know for sure...

Send them both to Russia, let them sort their marriage issues out there. Obviously she's a mail order bride anyways...

There’s a damn good national security reason to never let him out of the country again.

I wonder how many secrets Trump still remembers that he didn't give to Putin yet.

Would you trust anything Trump rambled about off the top of his head? It could be true, it could be made up on the spot, it could be something spouted by the last guy Trump talked to, or it could be a stream of bullshit with one good tidbit buried inside that you won't even notice.

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Almost 99.999999999% guaranteed that there are a LOT of stipulations regarding what she is eligible for in the event of a divorce. And I doubt she has the willpower to become public enemy number one for rejecting the orange shitstain.

Nah, she, like many of us, is hoping he dies. Then she can get whatever cash he had left.

Orange Shitstain...

I haven't heard that one before, but I'm totally stealing that!

Melania is a blatant gold digger. She might divorce him if he goes bankrupt, but only then.

first gold digger

That's a really good green text

everything apart from his motivation for running for president. He's just a sociopath who wants to have some position of authority to stoke his own overblown ego

Nah he'll rebuild and/or get gifts or find some grift. She'll be taken of by him or some GOP lackey. But can't do that if she divorce him.

This is not politics, this is gossip. Can we please stop with the orange man bad articles.

Says the one who fucks for money.. words of wisdom LMAO..

I work construction which is selling my body for much less.

Feel free to demean me too if it make you feel better.

Meh, don't argue with the idiots. My comment was simple and straight to the point...

"At least she's earning her money, not grifting it..."

Its not about the amount of money or selling your body(everybody sell their body at some POV), it's about a work which edifies yourself and make you worthy as a person, not just being a meaningless sexual object. I know the objectivation of women have been going through the history of humankind, but at least women should try to get away of it and not just wanting to be superfluous sex dolls.

What makes you an expert about what work is real or not?

I'm not saying sexwork isn't work, I'm just saying making men get boners for money doesn't make you growth as a person in fact it makes you the opposite. But anyway believe whatever you want to believe, good luck!!

What if they make ladies wet for money?

Is that now a worth endeavour in your mind?

Money doesn't make women wet, money it's just a side effect of other more important characteristics like power and intelligence.

Women who only care of money usually end objectivifing themselves because nowadays everything it's merchandise.

Just look how pornstars end their careers, the ones who didn't end up converting to some fundamentalist religion, commit suicide or die of overdose.

Sexwork it's work but it isn't a work which edifies yourself.

You sure have opinions that fit your seemingly narrow worldview.

Nothing it's true nowadays, everyone have their own truth..

Things are still objectively true or not.

But you can find groups on the internet that believe the earth is flat or lizard people wearing skin suits have infiltrated the government and if you’re of a certain mind you can start believing it.

It doesn’t make it true though.

I believe some things are like the existence of god, some people will say it's true some people will say it's false, but anyway no one have the means to prove it.

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Eek. Found the incel. I highly recommend you take the time to be around women so you can understand they are people and not "superfluous sex dolls". Since you purport to know so much about human self-actualization, what work do you currently do that makes you feel worthy as a person?

Your are so SIMPatic.. thx for the advice..

So you live in mom's basement, have no job and tell others how they should live. All joking aside, if you need someone to talk to about stuff, let me know. I see this too often and it breaks my heart.

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What do you call what Melania did? Do you really think it was a love match? That she'd have looked at him twice if he was broke?

Not all women are money slaves, there is still ones who feel attracted to power and intelligence(egoist intelligence sometimes but intelligence at the end), money it's just a side effect of that conbination.

Nowadays social power it's very attractive like men on TV or social media influencers.

Donald Trump was born rich. His college professor called him the dumbest student he'd ever had. When Trump had a chance to get in good with the art world by preserving a beautiful building he promised to save it, then destroyed it, then told everyone that the building was ugly and no one wanted it saved.

Donald Trump was convicted in New York because he'd written down the details of his criminal conspiracy.

Melania didn't marry Trump for his brains.

I didn't believe he is a genius, but to be fair you need a decent level of intelligence to keep being rich, specially nowadays in this hiperconsumist and superfluous society.

If he is a psychopath it's another subject.

He was born rich. He boasts that he started with "a small million dollar loan" from his Daddy. Besides the fact that he got much more than that from his father, he would have probably been as rich if he'd just put that $1 million into blue chip stocks.

Also, you call him a 'psychopath.' That makes Melania an even bigger whore, because she stayed with him and kept her child in danger.

Rich people do not equal to Intelligence. What kind of fucked up logic is that?

Let me guess you believe autist people are geniuses?

How does that even apply to what we are talking about? And in no way did I suggest that.

So uh...where'd you get this info from mate? Do you know them personally or something?

Stormy Daniels is literally a prostitute/porn star. Which means she fucks for money.

She's not a prostitute. She's an adult film actress. This is the dumbest take I've seen today lol. You do you, man

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