lazy ad block rule to – 872 points –

Edit: ok your comments just made me buy a cheap android TV box, thanks guyz x


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Please everyone if you’re not using something like Ublock Origin (best in the game imo) you’re doing the internet wrong.

Some say they play ads to support content creators but they make almost nothing from them because Google is so greedy. Best way to support them is direct, $5 on buy me a coffee or a patreon subscription.

I agree with you, don't shout at me please 😭 I just can't use ublock on my TV and I'm too lazy to plug my laptop in.

If you have a smart tv or nvidia shield that can sideload apps, I recommend SmartTube

You can side load on Roku too? Literally tried googling this and every thread was like "not possible"

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If it's an android tv, install smarttubenext and never look back.

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Whenever possible, just pay them directly through PayPal or a similar service. Out of the money you pay to someone on Patreon, the creator usually ends up with less than 50% due to VAT, payment processor fees, Patreon fees, and income tax. By skipping Patreon, the creator doesn't lose out to VAT and Patreon fees.

More creators need to start using Liberapay. It's a non-profit organization that funds itself via donations, so the only fees it charges are the ones being passed through from the underlying payment processor. It also avoids VAT by prohibiting creators from offering anything in exchange for payment.

Also, firefox on android (and I suspect iOS) allows you to install extensions including ad blockers.

Faster, saves battery, prevents sites from breaking on mobile.

Not on iOS, because Apple forces all browsers on iOS to just be safari with a different look

Take a look at "vinegar" in the app store. It's a safari extension that changes the video tag on youtube videos and removes the ads.

I don't explain it well, and it costs money (fyi), but it's working for me.

I just pay $11 for YouTube premium. I did it entirely for YouTube Music (Google Music) but the ad free YouTube was just a nice bonus.

Or New Pipe on phone. It's quite a while since I saw any ad on YT.

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