Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost? to – 238 points –

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Just make sure to avoid Brussels. Belgian myself and I hate the place.

Was recommended the same by someone from Brussels.

(He was not 6 foot and full of muscles, to be clear)

The vegemite sandwiches are enough to keep me away.

Back when Australia was still remote and exotic, before Crocodile Dundee even, a lot of people back in the day thought he sang:
"He just smiled and gave me a bit of my sandwich",
which would have also made for a fantastic lyric in a very silly way.

Does this mean you love it and want to keep it all to yourself? Also how does it smell?

No, I would tell you to avoid Ghent at all costs then!

Na Ghent and Brugges are lovely. Brussels is kinda meh but not superbad.

Just got back from a 3 day trip to Brussels, we loved it. Plus, Smurfs (Les Schtroumpfs) everywhere. We did take a day trip to Bruges though, that was even better than Brussels IMHO. Especially since I could walk around saying to my wife "If I grew up on a farm, and was retarded, Bruges might impress me but I didn't, so it doesn't.".

I went to Charleroi once and it was awful. Brussels is fine.

Charleroi is super depressing indeed.

I wanna move to Belgium. Not once have I considered Brussels as my new demeure. It's got some cool stuff, but it has little to no revisit value.

Quite a lot of the cities in the Flemish region look absolutely beautiful (Bruges especially), yet everyone I know of just sees Brussels and thinks of it as all of Belgium, then comes to the conclusion that the entire country is basically rubbish.

But I personally think that Charleroi is way worse.