An Israel offensive into Lebanon risks an Iranian military response, top US military leader says to World – 96 points –
An Israel offensive into Lebanon risks an Iranian military response, top US military leader says

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Nobody gives a fuck, Iran is literally supplying terrorists and Russia with weapons, iran being shown their boundaries is really necessary soon.

Iran is the main driver of the middle east problems right now.

I give a fuck. Anyone who doesn't want lots of people to die gives a fuck. Just because you don't give a fuck doesn't mean you speak for everyone else.

Welcome to humanity, we do kill each other. We did for the last 12k years and we will in the future. You guys need to learn about the tolerance paradox. You tolerate the intolerant. In this case you are for letting a warmonger do whatever he wants, supporting Terrorism and supplying Russia with weapons and people for their war. YOU ARE KILLING MORE PEOPLE BY NOT DOING SOMETHING.

Most of humanity has a thing called 'empathy,' wherein they care about others dying.

Also, I'm not 'letting a warmonger do whatever he wants.' I have no power to do anything about any warmongers and I doubt you do either, which is why you're complaining about it on Lemmy rather than acting. So maybe don't point fingers.

Also, I'm quite familiar with the paradox of tolerance, and that has absolutely nothing to do with people other than you caring about a war even if you say they don't. I care.

Oh i do care about people dieing, that's why i want the people that are responsible to be gone... You want to leave those alone that fight against them.

Empathy is a thing that isn't really provable, you might feel bad when you kill a innocent, bit when someone charges you with a knife and you can shot him, you still do. You protect yourself and the people close to you before thinking about the person attacking you. Same thing works for countries.

Oh i do care about people dieing,

You literally said that nobody gives a fuck, make up your mind.

Empathy is a thing that isn’t really provable, you might feel bad when you kill a innocent, bit when someone charges you with a knife and you can shot him, you still do.

That's literally what empathy is. Innocence has nothing to do with it.

Nobody gives a fuck about the possibility of war in means ofnit standing in the way of Israel defending itself.

And yet innocents do die in war as collateral damage, still waaaaay better than the guys that intentionally target innocent people. Welcome to humanity again.

Again, you do not speak for anyone but yourself.

I give a fuck.

You don't speak for everyone either and nobody means the majority in such a statement. The majority of humans don't give a single shit.

I wasn't trying to speak for anyone but myself, so that is a ludicrous accusation, and "nobody" does not mean "the majority." If you meant "the majority," you should have said so. It would not have taken you significantly longer to type, so I don't believe your silly excuse.


The majority of humans don’t give a single shit.

Let's see your evidence. Polling numbers will work with a decent sample size. You have them, right? You wouldn't just be speaking on all of those people's behalves without knowing what they actually think, would you?


Can you prove that more than 1% or 2% of people on earth give a shit, most live their lifes like normal without even thinking about it.

Where you're claiming exaggeration, I'm claiming trolling. Especially when you expect me to prove something I never claimed.

I claim something that doesn't have statistics from my findings, I asked you if you have opposing statistics.

I did use exaggeration as a linguistics tool.

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You want those responsible gone? looks like we gotta drone strike the knesset then

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In one form or another, this is basically the rationalization that warmongers always use to justify their own awfulness. As an American, I’ve been listening to my own country deploy this gem my entire life.

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Israel is the main driver of middle eastern problems. It's existence is an abomination.

It's existence is an abomination

And that, kids, is why we have wars. The moment people with power start saying "yeah Israel should exist but also should a Palestinian state" - that's when we'll have peace.

Israel will need to be redo as Nazi Germany was redo in order for common person support its existence

The current regime must be held accountable and Israeli people need to repent.

We can't enable this shit, just look at Russia...

I'm not sure why you think we need an apartheid colonial ethnostate at all. Nor how you expect having pockets of Palestinian state embedded like oil into water in the region that Israel controls will yield a lasting peace TBH.

two state solution sounds fair, but nations with border tension and decades of bad blood don't really get along even when simply bordering one another let alone when you have two disjoint Palestinian territories embedded in a territory that Israelis consider their promised land.

No state whose identity is ethnically or religiously defined will work in that situation.

You would need some kind of major cultural shift towards egalitarianism and away from religious and ethnic identity in that region to make that work.

We will have peace when israel is gone. It is a Nazi state that refuses peace and exists to expand its Lebensraum.

As proven by israel refusing peace in the West Bank. There is only one aggressor.

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