Ironing to Lemmy – 1358 points –

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Hopefully none of you are using suits lol

Suits are only for special occasions, and even then I'm going to get it dry cleaned and they can worry about ironing in the bastard.

Suits and other "nice" clothes are designed to enforce class separation. Reject them. Although you should probably wear them to a funeral or wedding anyway, out of respect.

Oh shut it. Wear whatever you like.

Idk I like to wear nice clothes. Right clothes for the right occasion of course

paskon tällä hetkellä kirjaimmellisesti vettä. vittu mikä ribuls

Or wear them to kink spaces, because dominating class separation is part of the game.

In Silicon Valley it’s the the other way around. The wealthier someone is the sloppier they dress.

Iron a wool suit?

My wool suit pants can be ironed on low. And my shirt definitely needs to be ironed. Just check the label first