Gender-affirming surgeries are mostly performed on cisgender people: 'Bitter irony'

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 439 points –
Gender-affirming surgeries are mostly performed on cisgender people: 'Bitter irony'

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Why are so many cis males getting breast reduction surgery tho?

Edit I didn't know that many dudes had boobs. Makes sense, thanks :3

Especially when you can get them enlarged! C’mon fellas. Have fun with it.

Seriously though, I get that this could be terribly embarrassing if you have boobs as a man. I feel bad for kids in gym locker rooms getting teased.

Now, imagine how bad it would be if you were a man with breasts and a vagina and woman's name and you were forced to stay that way. Truly sounds like a nightmare.

Dude, I saw that picture of Elliot Page after he got his breasts removed. He looked HAPPY. Rejuvenated. I want to get rid of mine to. I've never wanted gender affirming care as much as I do now as a cis gender man, these guys are getting it done. It's clearly making them feel better.

All dudes have boobs. They have nipples and breast tissue. They can lactate (small amounts) and get breast cancer.

This is because, in mammals, the default sex leans towards more female. An XY-chromosome 'male' foetus that doesn't respond to androgens in the womb will not develop male external genitalia, and will probably be assumed to be female on birth.

Sex is not binary, because biology isn't simple. Gender, which is more complex than that, is not, either.

I believe that male lactation, while possible, is rare.

Rare cam be a deceptive term, with the current population of the human race 'one in a million' is still 8,000 people.

But also, male lactation, other than infants at birth who have a high exposure to their mother's hormones, is always a significant medial concern, so it isn't something that just sometimes happens.

Males are born with breast tissue, hence the fact they can get breast cancer.

One or more hormones (I assume prolactin is involved) are required to activate lactation.

yeah you're cis alright

Obviously I meant biologically male, come on. I acknowledge that men can lactate.

no, like, their comment was chock-full of good stuff & that's what you decide to focus on? apologies for the "no u," but like, come on.

What was I supposed to have focused on? Because the person I replied to didn't think what I said was so beyond the pale.

explaining the joke ruins the joke

What joke? What on Earth are you talking about? OP didn't tell a joke. I didn't respond with a joke. You didn't respond to me with a joke.

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