Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

jeffw@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 535 points –
Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today' | Common Dreams

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Same plan he made in Syria and Afghanistan. Abandon US allies in the region, hand over all local assets to hostile forces and leak intel like damn spaghetti strainer.

I wouldn't be surprised if he ordered the DoD to hanf over all the intel we have about Ukraine to Russia and withdraw all other support and recon in the area.

The USA, Iran and Russia are responsible for syrian civil war. None should have got involved in it

Be as that may be, Trump absolutely selling out the Kurdish Militia that was a long time US ally in the region was not acceptable.

It doesn't change the fact that imperial powers ruined syria

Imperial powers created Syria. Modern Syria anyway. The entire Middle East has been an Imperial project since colonialism. Pretty much only the Saudis and Israel (and Iran, if you want to count it as Middle Eastern) aren't on board.

I mean, not for lack of trying, they did stage a coup and plant the Shah of Iran as the leader for a while

Of course it had nothing to do with the repressive authoritarian regime killing its own people because they had the temerity to protest.

Of course the usa support rebels because they care about syrians and human life and not because they only cares about their own interest. The usa representing democracy is the number one supported of coups over the world, the country who represent human rights ignores the crimes commited by israel and is allying with saudi arabia. The countries who had revolutions without imperialist powers didn't fell into a civil war inlike all other revolutions with russia or usa interference.

The start of the Syrian civil war had nothing to do with anyone except the Syrian people being pissed off at living under the most restrictive police state in the Arab world. There were protests after a mass arrest and subsequent torture of 15 teenage boys who had spay-painted some anti-government graffiti on some walls around the city.

Assad cracked down on the protests hard, which led to people saying, "fuck this shit, time for a revolution".

Iran started helping Assad, and then the US started helping the rebels. And yeah it's a shit show now. But no, it would have kicked off without outside help.

A lot of people would still have died without outside intervention and syrian had the right to kick of the revolution against asad. I don't disagree with that but outaide intervation definitely made it a lot worse. Ben ali wasalso very brutal but due to the lack of interests from major powers the revolution in tunisia was relatively very peaceful

Again, the context is important. Mostly that the Tunisian military refused to step in and support Wasalo, eventually forcing him to flee.

Asad on the other hand, is still very popular with his own ethnic group, and draws heavily from them to staff his military. Iran's help just made things worse.

Liberals will criticize ending a pointless 20 year war and somehow still not realize that they're jingos.

The criticisms are universally about how he "ended" it. I have seen no one that was in favor of staying. Likewise, Trump gets criticism on betraying our allies because he knowingly and intentionally ratfucked the kurds, or have you totally forgotten about that?

Trump didn’t end the war in Afghanistan. Biden did. The President who determined how that happened was Joe Biden.

"The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal."

"And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership."

“And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.”

So should the withdrawal have been stopped at that point? Exactly how much longer do you think we should've stayed in Afghanistan?

And that criticism was always bullshit. There's no "right" way to retreat, it was always going to play out the way it did. Journalists criticized it in bad faith, because it generated clicks and because they never actually opposed the war, because again, war is great for clicks. In reality, what happened when the US pulled out was the culmination of 20 years spent doing nothing to stabilize the country and only making the Taliban stronger.

But go ahead then, armchair strategist, and describe to me what specifically could've been done differently about the withdrawal that would not have resulted in things playing out the way they did.

Opposing the withdrawal is the same as supporting the war. The withdrawal was one of the only good things Biden did in his whole career and liberals will never forgive him for it. Worse yet, you want to allow Trump to claim credit for it when Biden's the one who actually saw it through and had to deal with the flak from it.

Damn liberals are literally saying we should have stayed in Afghanistan because Trump withdrew. One of the few good things Trump did and that's what they want to use to take the moral high-ground.

The local "American forces" were child raping pedo warlords.

Blue MAGA will support anything that's the opposite of what Trump did.

Trump didn't withdraw from Afghanistan. Biden followed the timeline trump set (with a slight delay, maybe?) and got no end of shit for it.

Trump negotiated with the Taliban without inviting the Afghan government, and released a bunch of them from prison.

For fuck's sake, if you want to shit on liberals at least try and get your talking points right.


Further proof that you're an unserious clown.

My talking points are from reality not from liberal propaganda. Trump retreated the majority of the troops already. Biden finished the retreat. It most definitely started with Trump.

As part of the United States–Taliban deal, the Trump administration agreed to an initial reduction of US forces from 13,000 to 8,600 troops by July 2020, followed by a complete withdrawal by 1 May 2021, if the Taliban kept its commitments. At the start of the Biden administration, there were 2,500 US soldiers remaining in Afghanistan

I'm not sure what "Afghan government" you are talking about. The puppets we put in power which were rampantly raping children because we backed them up? As soon as the money was gone the "Afghan government" dissolved within a day. Literally. Those people were not ideologically driven they were just a bunch of corrupt druggies that got a free pass to rape children as long as they obeyed us.

If you want to dunk on Trump bring up January 6, his Muslim ban or any other of the million stupid things he did, not him retreating from Afghanistan. Talk about talking points...

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