Trump-Endorsed Candidate for Governor: 'Some Folks Need Killing' to politics – 348 points –
Trump-Endorsed Candidate for Governor: 'Some Folks Need Killing'

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Extremist pastor Mark Robinson wants to be North Carolina’s next governor, and his vision for the country is one of bloody ruthlessness. 

“Some folks need killing!” Robinson declared in a lengthy sermon delivered on Sunday, which was first reported by The New Republic. “It’s time for somebody to say it. It’s not a matter of vengeance. It’s not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It’s a matter of necessity! When you have wicked people doing wicked things, torturing and murdering and raping. It’s time to call out, uh, those guys in green and go have them handled. Or those boys in blue and have them go handle it.”

Jesus fucking Christ he’s supposed to be a pastor and he’s giving a sermon advocating killing people.

The idiocy of evangelicals is just so thick.

Not just killing, extrajudicial killing.

If he professes to be an actual Christian it’s even worse than that, but. Point taken.

Obviously he’s an evangelical shithead with zero interest in peace, just like the rest of them.

Yeah otherwise he would remember that guy who stepped up at an extrajudicial killing and said "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone"

You know, Jesus


Some scruffy looking communist, hangs out with lepers and prostitutes

Eww. Is he at least rich? Does he kick ass and take names? What about a catch phrase, something like, “Ahll be bahck” or “yipee ki yay motherfucker!”?

Well he did say "I'll be back" but so far has failed to deliver. People have been waiting literally forever!

I listened to an interview on the Friendly Atheist podcast with two hate-preachers. They both advocated for the killing of homosexuals. I don't think it's as rare as we might hope.

My very first thought when I read that is he's advocating for killing LGBQT+ people. They are wicked in their minds. Unnatural. Have been killing them for probably centuries as it is already. Maybe millennia.

I don't think it's idiocy. I think it's cruel people who delight in doing cruel things. And when a guy like Trump, who has managed to use cruelty to get rich and powerful, comes along and gives them permission to fully indulge their cruellest instincts, makes them feel like it's right and good, they'll follow that person straight into hell. They're so excited to finally be able to go out and hurt all the people they don't like that there really isn't any line they're not willing to cross anymore, no moral they're not willing to betray, to finally get that.

I don't even refer to Evangelicals as Christians anymore. They are two different things at this point. If you look at modern Evangelical doctrine and compare it to the ministry Jesus laid down in the Gospels, they are just about as polar opposite as you can get while still name-checking Jesus. I don't think it's useful to conflate them anymore because real Christianity, using the actual words of Jesus, might be one of the few effective ways left to argue against all this Evangelical nonsense. I'm honestly surprised that the Christians with real faith aren't already out there doing it.

I don't even refer to Evangelicals as Christians anymore. They are two different things at this point.


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I mean the Bible is full of killing and God telling people to kill. Pastors have been full of fire and brimstone for generations. Preaching against immigrants in the US basically since the country was founded, burning witches and calling for slaves to be lynched.

Having grown up a southern Baptist, I can assure you that religion in the South has always been full of this behavior.

Ha ha yeah you right about that. Southern Baptists are the old school batshit crazy religious nuts. Still are, really.

The Old Testament really fucked things up. That’s where you find all the serious, wtf killings. I forget why they created a whole other “New” Testament though.

No no, you don't understand. You see when they finally win and are in power they are just going to all seppuku themselves.

It's only okay when they do it because they justify it by using the bible (as they do all their actions).

You can disagree with him, but having the opinion that people who are "torturing and murdering and raping" need to die is not an unhinged opinion. I would say that many of them dying would be a just punishment.

Advocating for extrajudicial murders is fucking insane and the very notion that you're trying so very hard to defend it is unhinged.

You're a piece of shit.

Hey look, a morally bankrupt opinion on an ethical matter from .ml


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