Migrants say border agents continue to throw away their belongings like medicine

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 303 points –
Migrants say border agents continue to throw away their belongings like medicine

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A look at your profile reveals that you are pursuing a political agenda and are only here to spread right-wing propaganda. One question: Do you actually get paid to do that?

I don't agree with that person, but you're criticizing said person for having opinions and writing about it. They don't owe you writing less, writing left-wing propaganda, or reducing their interest in politics.
You could write "you're an asshole!" and you would be right, but don't take away a person's right to comment stuff on the internet.

I have no problem at all with someone expressing their opinion, even if that opinion is not mine. But this account is less than a day old and posts exclusively pro-Trump content. From this I conclude that it is a fake account run by a think tank or similar. I think it's important to point this out, because organized opinion manipulation with enormous financial resources has nothing to do with free discourse - quite the opposite.

Nah, take away their ability to comment, ban the fuckers, and move on with life.

Nothing good ever comes from freeze peaching alt-right propaganda.

Nope, just a hard working patriot here. I don't understand why it is that anyone who disagrees with the left gets accused of being paid or accused of being a bot

In case that other reply has too many big words:

We can't believe someone would be so dumb for free

Is that so? And what exactly makes you a patriot?

Anyway, to clarify: it's just hard to imagine that there can be people who are so deluded that they would follow the dull whataboutism, all those hateful, irrational and mostly simply false accusations of the MAGA people out of their own conviction - people who are not able to see through that at all. So it's more of a compliment that your account is perceived as a fake account set up to achieve political power interests. Because if it isn't, which I still very much doubt, you can only be one of those useful idiots who are so small-minded that they allow themselfs to be played for cards against their own interests.

Because anyone who sees the left in a monolithic way is either seeding propaganda or just mindlessly repeating it.

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