Biden Says He’d Consider Dropping Out if a ‘Medical Condition’ Emerged to – 307 points –
Biden Says He’d Consider Dropping Out if a ‘Medical Condition’ Emerged

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President Biden said in an interview released on Wednesday that he would re-evaluate whether to stay in the presidential race if a doctor told him directly that he had a medical condition that made that necessary.

Mr. Biden has said repeatedly that none of his doctors have told him he has a serious medical condition. Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the White House physician, wrote after the president’s physical in February that Mr. Biden is “a healthy, active, robust, 81-year-old male who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency.”

But his disastrous performance at a debate with former President Donald J. Trump last month, which prompted a wave of calls by Democratic allies to step aside, raised questions about his health and acuity.


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This sounds very much like him setting up a scenario where he can step down without losing face. God, I hope.

Would be best case scenario would show maturity and unity for the party.

This thread pulling bullshit everywhere else is so fuckin fake

Much better than the earlier requirement of God himself descending from the heavens to tell him to drop out. After which he'd only consider it.

Now the Almighty can work in subtler ways like it usually does.

He started with only God Almighty could make him step down...moved to if polls said there was no path to we are feels like he's warming up to the idea.

Hopefully they can decide swiftly on the democrat convention and Biden can rally the Democrat party united behind one younger more energetic candidate fit to lead the country

Party leaders and mega donors seem to have coalesced around Harris. So if it happens it'll be quick. I sincerely hope he's actually healthy and this is a managed exit.

Party leaders and mega donors seem to have coalesced around Harris.


Yeah. But it's not like Biden was the product of a robust democratic process either.

I sure hope not. Harris is a sure fire way to a Trump presidency.

How about Mark Kelly?

Mark Kelly isn't well known outside Arizona. And I dunno about Harris being a loser here. The biggest complaint about Biden is his age. And she solves that.

God works in mysterious ways. Well, I guess it's not that mysterious that an 84 year old man who attends a lot of public events got COVID.

What's the over under on it turning into long COVID which gives him a graceful out.

Honest question: is that like…. actually a good idea? Probably? What if they decide to replace him with Harris that sounds worse idk

Infighting to replace him is a terrible idea.

Him just retiring in favor of Harris or whoever? Better. Still absolutely horseshit considering no one seriously put their hat in the ring for the convention but whatever gets a president that supports universal healthcare and isn't sunsetting.

It's probably the less bad option at this point, let's put it that way. Harris is not great, but she lacks much of the baggage and hasn't lost the confidence of the party.

I could be pumped for Harris with the right running mate. Who shall it be? Don’t say Bernie.

Don't know that I could be pumped for Harris unless she pulls off some kind of "Crouching Empty Suit, Hidden Visionary" shit, but I could be pumped for her VP. Unfortunately, I suspect she'll choose a 'moderate' old white Dem guy as her VP to 'balance out' that she's an ethnic minority and a woman.

Harris/Duckworth would be great. Tammy Duckworth is a combat wounded vet and seems to be pretty good as far as centrist dems go.

Harris/Newsom? Harris/Kinzinger(my mancrush)?

I'd love to see a Harris/AOC pairing ... if only to watch all the rich old white people in leadership have massive shit fits.

That's just a dream at this point tho.

Maybe Sen. Mark Kelly from AZ? He is amazing. Very popular here in AZ. His wife is Gabby Giffords.

You can't have AOC yet, VPs go silent and we need her wit!

tbf, one of the reasons that Biden had such popularity as vice-president was because he never learned how to go silent

Point. AOC with a bully pulpit and really really high bar to be fired. That might not be the worst thing.

I have two tracks for pumpedness:

  1. Political: Someone with progressive ideas in the White House to represent that portion of the party. Probably not going to happen.
  2. Capability: Someone who feels like a particularly competent messenger with some fight in them. It would be nice to have some Democrats who can competently and accurately tear up this whole fiasco of a political movement. This could happen.

please please please (x5) (refrain) please please, yes please, (return to chorus) (bridge) please sir please (return to chorus x2)