Beyond Biden, Democrats are split over who would be next —VP Harris or launch a 'mini primary' to politics – 84 points –
Beyond Biden, Democrats are split over who would be next —VP Harris or launch a 'mini primary'

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Which means you've made a choice, and it's pro fascism.

I'm not the one picking fascists to run the country.

Except, by refusing to participate, you are. That's how our system works. It's stupid, but that's how it works.

There's a better chance of you voting for a republican than any left is voting for a Democrat. We vote for what we want to see in government. Not constantly voting against something. Voting against something is a protest vote, that's the wasted one

No, you're voting to move in the right direction.

Voting is like taking the bus, you get on the one going the direction you want. And then, you get on another bus that continues to take you towards your destination.

You don't get on a bus going the opposite direction, or refuse to go at all unless there's a bus going from your front door direct to your destination. That's just stupidity. That's what you're advocating for, and we're never going to get to a better place if people like you don't wake up and see that.

I was on that bus a long time ago and assumed the driver knew which direction he was headed and knows his route. After being on the bus a while I noticed he was headed the wrong direction while also claiming we are almost there. I voiced my concerns he was headed in the wrong direction but was told to sit down and shut up, the driver knows where they are going, besides claiming we are almost there. As they continued to drive the wrong direction taking me further from my destination than I ever thought possible. I knew it was time get off the bus despite all the other passengers kept demanding I listen to the driver, and we are almost there if I just wait a little longer.

Touch grass.

Seriously, you'd have to be chronically online listening to Russian propaganda to seriously think the Democrats and Republicans are anywhere near each other.

But you will be, though. Standing by and not even voting does not mean you are morally superior.

There is no difference between red or blue fascism, one is openly racist, bigoted, and fascist. The other is covert

That's sheer nonsense. Who's side are you on, anyway?

The communist side

believe it or not you're actually capable of agitating and organizing while also taking a couple hours every two years to fill out a bubble sheet

Unless there's a communist or at least a socialist on the ticket that bubble stays blank.

Ah, so you've decided to vote for Trump I see.

A "protest vote" is a vote for Trump.

They believe Biden and Trump are the same.

Because they are drowning in privledge.

I'm not the one casting for a vote for fascism lite. I want NO fascism

Here, since you don't seem to actually know what real fascism is: wiki

What you want (giving you a brief assumption that you're actually genuine) is a radical overnight change from capitalism to a socialism based economy. Which is respectable, id like that too. Id like our government to actually provide real healthcare and cut out private companies and nationalize everything from water to electricity to ISPs and actually serve the people like governments should.

But it will. Not. Happen. Overnight. It's just not realistic in any sense of the word unless you have the ability to bring things into existence from sheer will.

Even the real fascists on the far-right took DECADES of propaganda and billions upon billions of dollars getting to where they are now

To bring things as far left as you want is going to take time and effort.

You want to know how you bring a country left? You vote for the leftist most candidate, with the best shot of winning you can. If all Democrats continuously showed up to vote as much as Republicunts did we wouldn't be in this mess and we likely would be a lot further left than we are now

You need to swallow your pride and selfishness and vote left with whoever is on the ballot, then vote D down ticket. If we all voted D consistently, in droves, year after year then the Republican party would fade into irrelevancy.

When that happens what we now know as the DNC will be the new Republicans and another more left party will take their place. Then we do the same thing, voting ever more left.

But it's going to take time, that's unavoidable, but it certainly doesn't help with you screaming "fascist" at every single candidate that isn't perfectly aligned with pure unadulterated socialism.

You are a living example of the quote "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good"

In the words of James Baldwin 'how much time do you want for your progress?' we've been hearing about it takes time for decades and we're having the exact same conversations now that they were having in the 50s and the '60s the same conversation they were having in the 20s and the 30s well over 100 years ago. So again I'll ask how much time do you want for your progress?

We're not chiding you and saying electoralism is the only place for progress. In fact we need action outside of that if we want to see any progress. Organize, agitate, protest, unionize, build dual power. Fuckin do it all. But do not resign yourself to allowing the reactionaries to take control of the electoral arena. Do not think that you can wash your hands of the damage that will cause.

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