Beyond Biden, Democrats are split over who would be next —VP Harris or launch a 'mini primary' to politics – 84 points –
Beyond Biden, Democrats are split over who would be next —VP Harris or launch a 'mini primary'

It would be the most Democratic Party move ever to push Joe out and announce Hillary again.

It’ll never happen. It’s such an idiotic thought as to make me wonder what the hell your motivations are.

If it wasn't clear I don't want it to happen...but over the years I have felt pretty disenfranchised by the actions of the party vs the will of the voters, and I am still going to vote for them.

I am still going to vote for them.

This is why things have gotten progressively worse, they can do anything they want, including ignoring their base, and rest assured it won't cost them votes.

But the alternative is a gamble on fascism, in a 2 party system you have to pick the establishment you dislike least.

I don't have to pick either, I refuse to participate in my own subjugation

Which means you've made a choice, and it's pro fascism.

I'm not the one picking fascists to run the country.

Except, by refusing to participate, you are. That's how our system works. It's stupid, but that's how it works.

There's a better chance of you voting for a republican than any left is voting for a Democrat. We vote for what we want to see in government. Not constantly voting against something. Voting against something is a protest vote, that's the wasted one

No, you're voting to move in the right direction.

Voting is like taking the bus, you get on the one going the direction you want. And then, you get on another bus that continues to take you towards your destination.

You don't get on a bus going the opposite direction, or refuse to go at all unless there's a bus going from your front door direct to your destination. That's just stupidity. That's what you're advocating for, and we're never going to get to a better place if people like you don't wake up and see that.

I was on that bus a long time ago and assumed the driver knew which direction he was headed and knows his route. After being on the bus a while I noticed he was headed the wrong direction while also claiming we are almost there. I voiced my concerns he was headed in the wrong direction but was told to sit down and shut up, the driver knows where they are going, besides claiming we are almost there. As they continued to drive the wrong direction taking me further from my destination than I ever thought possible. I knew it was time get off the bus despite all the other passengers kept demanding I listen to the driver, and we are almost there if I just wait a little longer.

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But you will be, though. Standing by and not even voting does not mean you are morally superior.

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Then you are helping the subjugation.

Voting for Biden or whoever his replacement is the subjugation, and liberals cheer on their own suppression

LOL, and if the Republicans seize power they'll say "hold my beer" when it comes to any supposed "suppression" being done by Biden.

Private prisons, welfare reform, crime bill, cop cities, providing military equipment to cops, arresting protesters, this list of subjugation by democrats is near endless. Republicans are no better, but we know what to expect from them

Project 2025 thanks you for your efforts.

Project 2025 has been going on for years, it now just has a different name, same Boogeyman, different name.

Boring, lazy, accellerationist drivel.

You can do better than that.

Someone needs to be an accelerationist. This whole baby step incrementalism shit is how your party turned into right wing propaganda machine that it is.

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Harris is even more unlikeable than a corpse and hrc, so the DNC will likely settle on her.

Harris is even more unlikeable than a corpse and hrc, so the DNC will likely settle on her.


He's probably racist, or sexist, or both. People love to assume everyone else has their same crappy views.

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There needs to be some sort of mini primary, not a Harris coronation. having said that, the chances of the DNC managing to organize something like that and not fuck it up are minimal.

Agreed. I mean look at how they fucked up 2016. They were going to shove Hillary down our throats no matter what. Thanks for that by the way, DNC. Really worked out for us.

Al Gore?

I like the guy, but I think they're going to want someone who can bring in a swing state.


Nah, Trump doesn't live in New York, now a swing state, anymore. He lives in Florida, now firmly Republican.


Do a mini primary. I personally don't think Harris is a best fit. I mean I'm going to vote for whatever nitwit they put into the slot, because fuck Trump with razor wire, but I'd like to at least have a chance to vote for which nitwit we get.

NO TIME. Go with succession.

Boo, Kamala is less electable than Hillary and we saw how that went. Trump didn't even win an election, Hillary just lost one. We'd see the same thing happen again.

Any kind of primary still basically leaves a lot of overseas voters without representation since the time to (a) find out about it (b) get the material to the voters (c) have the voters be able to print, fill, and sign the forms, and (d) have them be postmarked in time is not going to happen.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

At the event, which organizers said raised $2 million and was attended by 1,000 guests, Harris did not mention the calls for Biden to leave the race or for her to replace him, instead repeating one of her regular campaign lines: “We’re going to win this election,” she said.

Officials from the highest ranks, including Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, prefer an open process, some believing it would strengthen any Democratic nominee to confront Republican Donald Trump.

“If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave.... that they will support Kamala, Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said this week on a widely discussed social media post.

Very few of the Democratic lawmakers who are agitating for Biden to leave have mentioned Harris in their statements, and some have said they favor an open nominating process that would throw the party’s endorsement behind a new candidate.

The standoff over Biden’s political future has become increasingly untenable for the party and its leaders, a month from the Democratic National Convention that should be a unifying moment to nominate their incumbent president to confront Trump.

Biden, who sent a defiant letter to Democrats in Congress vowing to stay in the race, has yet to visit Capitol Hill to shore up support, an absence noticed by senators and representatives.

The original article contains 1,117 words, the summary contains 226 words. Saved 80%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

It's 2016 all over. Bernie or bust!

Trump won in 2016, so no

Trump didn't win, Hillary lost. Just like Kamala will lose. She's unelectable. We have two choices, Trump or Bernie. Putting in anyone but Bernie is choosing Trump.

You are so out of touch. While I think Bernie would have done a great job, there’s NO way he would be the candidate. Get out of the micro bubble that is Lemmy and see what the rest of the country supports. Unfortunately Bernie is too far left for most people, which is unfortunate.

Please gawd, don't make it look like they are just anointing a Chosen One, who is due "her turn". No more diversity box-checking...have a primary. If she wins, then fantastic. Otherwise, it will just be constant division and resentment, and you can count on the bothsiderist media will hit that nerve over and over again to contrast with donnie being so old and in obvious mental decline.

Launch a mini primary. No one would win against Trump this late in the race now that they betrayed Biden but anyone else would be better than Harris. At least most other candidates would not have founded their entire career on keeping innocent people in prison

I'm not personally enthused about the idea of having a former cop for a president, it certainly seems like a good way to snag the votes of disgruntled Republicans.


Ideally, Biden and Harris would both voluntarily fuck off, placing the needs of the country ahead of personal ambition (well, hubris, really).

Guys, we are completely fucked right now. A jolt to the system is necessary if we wish to maintain even a hope of preserving America.

The fuck??

Harris is the only one meeting with the Democrat's base for the past year (with Biden), offering assurances to Unions and other groups. You know, the only one actively campaigning aside from Biden.

Its like yall think that this shit doesn't matter or something.

And a whole lot of fucking good that’s done. What’s necessary is a fresh start, a vigorous process, and, frankly, someone unconnected to Biden’s foreign policy as it applies to israel.

Any assclown can do what you seem to imagine is exclusively in Harris’ wheelhouse.

Edit: I’m voting D no matter what.

No other candidate can inherit Bidens will like Harris can. Specifically with regards to the donations already pledged to Biden.

Biden can donate 100% of his money to the Definitely Not Associated With The Democratic Candidate 2024 PAC. Problem solved, tip of the hat to the traitor John Roberts.

Its not Biden's money. Its donor's money earmarked to Biden.

Come on. Don’t pretend that this money wouldn’t go to whoever the D is. But whatever, this conversation is moot.

If your master plan is to run Harris, just keep Biden. Harris is less likeable than a corpse and hrc. Selecting her as VP was a huge mistake, but mistakes are apparently the DNC's specialty.

I honestly do not understand the Harris hate? Is it because she was a prosecutor? A woman? Her skin-color? People keep assuring me everyone always hated her, but I legit don't remember that.

I seem to recall something about how she was pretty crappy or made some bad moves while she was DA, but I can't say for certain 🤷 honestly her VP record seems pretty good. It's a pretty invisible position, but if you look up stuff specifically she's been doing a lot of good.

The right was hammering on how she "cackles", just like they did with HRC. The left is not enamored of her cop past.

Please give specific examples as to why Harris is “less likable than a corpse”. Is it because she’s a woman? No vague answers.

She was never anything but a token

She was elected as AG twice and as a senator once. It's not like she was just appointed out of nowhere due to her skin color.

Oh hey, that guy in the other thread was right! Tagging people as "Trumpy" is super helpful!