Trolls Used Her Face to Make Fake Porn. There Was Nothing She Could Do. Sabrina Javellana was a rising star in local politics — until deepfakes derailed her life. to politics – 311 points –
Trolls Used Her Face to Make Fake Porn. There Was Nothing She Could Do.

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I would say that appearing in a porn movie should not affect your life at all, whether real or fake.

It's not just porn; you can deep fake pretty much anything, including racist rants and criminal acts.

That's a nice culture shift to push for but it's not where we're at. It could also be nice to have a society where nobody really has a great attachment to material things so you can just borrow your neighbors lawnmower or car and it's no big deal at all. We don't live in that society either so we have laws against theft.

It depends of who gets to see it.

it can affect everything in your life.

It shouldn’t. People are ingrained to be prudes.

Imagine watching porn (as most people do, or have done in their life) and condemning the actors. I for one am very happy that people are doing the job.

To star in a porn movie. I personally wouldn't have a problem with it, but i know that my family and friends wouldn't even try to understand or just ignore it, they would just see the "dirty" word porn and panic. They would panic, because suddenly they feel forced to confront themselves with the world that is behind the word.

Ooh, I love this argument.

"I'm an atheist so I'm above the 2.4 billion religious people on the planet"

No, people are not 'ingrained to be prudes'. They have values, and those values are manipulated by people in positions of power.

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