The 11-mile long, 600 lbs IMAX print of ‘OPPENHEIMER’ to – 1853 points –

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This obsession with the length and weight of the film is such a bizarre marketing strategy.

Big and heavy means quality, don't you know?

The weight is sign of reliability. I always go for reliability.

Heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If it doesn't work you can always hit them with it.

  • Borris the bullet dodger

I think it's more about the sheer amount of visual information that's captured on film that size, but okay.

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Ya this feels really astroturfy. Are they bragging that the movie is really long?

Movies are getting really long and I don't know if I like it. I watched Across the Spider-verse recently which was I think 2.5 hours. To be fair it was a fantastic 2.5 hours, but every other movie in the theater was 2 hours plus and one was over 200 minutes long. Half of them were animated, which are usually on the short side and for good reason, because there's never any real meat to the story (Spider-verse again being the exception). Sometimes you just want a relaxed 1 hour 20 minute story; not every film has to be this gigantic grand experience.

Do you know "The Ten Commandments" or "Ben Hur"? Or perhaps such monumental comedy productions as "The Hallelujah Trail"? It's always been a thing

I’ll add The Godfather, Casino, Braveheart and Lord of The Rings to fill in some of the gap between then and now

Ikr l, watched spider verse a few days ago, awesome movie but I just was like, get this over with I'm falling asleep

If this movie was 120 minutes or less I'd see it. I cannot imagine there being 3 hours worth of stuff that I need to know about that guy... not happening!

I feel like you don't know what astroturfing is. This is just straight up promotional marketing for a movie coming out next week.

I wouldn't call it astroturfy but its so weird to me. Like nobody is walking around being like "The new PS5 weighs 7.5 pounds and has 139 miles of copper in its motherboard!" repeatedly for weeks. (I made up the amount of copper, but the weight is correct.)

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