Trump persists in questioning Harris’s race as his campaign flounders since shooting: ‘I think I was right’

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 475 points –
Trump pushes questions on Harris’s race: ‘I think I was right’

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In some far future utopia we will've all interbred and evolved to a nice caramel/olive skin and our descendents will imagine us as cavemen. If we mange to make it that long.

I gotta say this is actually something I'm disappointed by.

Not because I want white people to survive forever or think any race is better than the other but because I like the idea of living in a world with other races. Like a fantasy setting with different types of elves or whatnot.

I like the diversity and would love to see just how different each race could become while still being the same species.

I mean, that has already happened in our history. The result is that the lion’s share of humans are 1-4% Neanderthal. Not to mention ancestry from Denisovans and possibly others.

The end result of a DnD world is a bunch of humans with slightly pointy ears and big teeth.

Mama? Did those white people glow in the dark?

I don't glow in the dark, I'm just pretty much see-through. I also burn in a matter of minutes in the sun.

Whenever I remove my shirt I hear "The beacons are lit! Gondor call for aid!"

RIP sunscreen manufacturers lol

Everyone needs UV protection to defend against cancer regardless of skin color

I thought that people with darker skin dont need it that much compared to people with lighter skin, especially people with really white skin that instantly get sunburn?