CSS finally adds vertical centering in 2024

Otter@lemmy.ca to Programming@programming.dev – 324 points –
CSS finally adds vertical centering in 2024 | Blog | build-your-own.org

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Why are we not angrier about css generally?

Because things were much worse in the beforetime

What, you didn't enjoy slicing up images and arranging them in borderless tables?

Eh the software handled all that. Rounded corners tho…

Rounded corners tho…

Just a small gif (as png didn't exist/widely supported) that had the rounded corner. Then if someone wanted to change the color or background you would have to redo all the images. Fun fun.

The software? Are you talking about Adobe Dreamweaver Dreamcrusher or something?

My money's on Microsoft Frontpage

What a catastrophic attempt at a GUI website editor.

Imagine how I felt when they decided to teach us that in school, when I was already familiar with Dreamweaver... And notepad

I am blisteringly angry about CSS in general AND THIS FUCKING ISSUE IN PARTICULAR since 2005 at the very latest. Likely enough to up the average for several thousand people with only mild dislike for CSS.

If CSS had a church I would burn it down. In minecraft of course.

I would say because a) there are zero alternatives, and b) it's pretty powerful; you can generally do pretty much any layout even if it requires hacks, c) switching to something else is clearly infeasible so it's not worth even asking for.

Just have to live with it (on the web at least).

What we were promised:

Content in one HTML document.

Styles in other CSS, able to apply any to completely alter the layout of the document.

What we got:


CSS 3 is solid, mate. You can do just about anything with it if you know what you're doing.

Some of the pure CSS stuff I've seen is actually insane.

Obviously not actually for real world use, but a great example is https://github.com/kkuchta/css-only-chat

With pseudo sectors, flex, and grid, your options are amazing. I haven't encountered a design I can't build in a very long time.