Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs

vegeta@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 922 points –
Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs

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The pictures are required to show something connecting them. Fascist flags, signs, dogwhistles.

Still just random people. Not cops or government officials or something.

Sounds like it's as random as the list this sherrif's putting together, don't it?

And you want to be like them? Focus on cops and ceos and government officials otherwise it's pointless

you don't get it. it takes people to elect the officials. the people are the base of support. they need to be blacklisted. it's time to clean up our own back yard. this is the only way to stop fascism, corporate overreach and eco dystopia.

How do you propose to "clean up" these people? I'm getting chills reading your comment.

it's okay. cowards need not apply.

Because only cowards would apply. Idiotic approach to the problem

To what end? Violence? Are you going to be okay with hurting their children too?

i'm okay with any solution that provides a sustainable future in which we protect the quality of life for all living things. there is no perfect path towards that future, but without one, we will destroy no only ourselves but so many innocent creatures.

we are currently in a failed state of humanity. we need a reset.