Trump calls MSNBC host a ‘bimbo’ after she makes case for voting against him to politics – 450 points –
Trump Calls MSNBC Host A 'Bimbo' After She Makes Case For Voting Against Him

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump lashed out Saturday on his social media site, Truth Social, over Friday night’s episode of “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

In a rant against the “increasingly boring” HBO talk show, Trump griped about Maher inviting on MSBNC host Stephanie Ruhle, who the former president called a ”‘dumb as a rock’ bimbo.”

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Misogyny isn't just a man thing! Women participate it in (against the "bad" ones) all the time.

There's a reason Karen is a boomer stereotype.

The interesting thing is that it's actually Gen X where Trump has disproportionately high support among women.

Good moment to ask yourself if your mental image of "Karen" is actually old enough to be a Boomer.

No, obviously not. Because I was fucking young then.

Because when I dealt with them they were younger, now they're absolutely boomers, and they don't need to tolerate this, their husband will handle me and he owns a dealership!!!

What the actual fuck? That is crazy. We lived through Reagan. And both Bushes. Why would any woman my age think Trump was anyone who would make a good president?

My guess, internalised misogyny akin to Stockholm syndrome.

Republicans are dumb af.

Speaking from experience, my sister has never been a Trump supporter until she married her now husband. Now she thinks like he does and votes the way he does. Maybe these women Trump voters just don't want their husbands to get upset. That is the Christian way, honor thy husband and all that bullshit.

I know it's troubling, but try to remember that polling is pretty much fucked right now. The pollsters are having a horrible time trying to get statistically valid samplings, and it's quite possible that the poll in question is very much off the mark.

No, southern women adore trump, a lot are crazy and want a big strong man to tell them what to do so they don't have to risk thinking for themselves.

More like, want a big strong man to come save them from the evil bad people. My mother is that ways, and is self-unaware enough to say so pretty directly.

That's baked in deep in some places, that's why educating women is such an existential threat.

Imagine women who don't feel helpless and have some confidence to think indepdently?!?!

There's this thing (brainwashing) called tradwife.

Do I want to search tradwife, or will it ruin the rest of my day?

It's basically women cosplaying being a 1950s traditional housewife.. and then getting surprised that the men who actually want this turn out to be massive misogynistic POS's. It's a safe search, if only for the schadenfreude.

Yeah the trick to tradwifery is either to do it as a form of bdsm or to take a concerning amount of quaaludes.

Sure.. plenty of people have kinks that work in their relationship. But mostly the tradwifes are not in it for the kink but for some misguided idolized view of how things would work.. they make home and take care of their man, making themselves completely dependent. Only to then find out why women's suffrage has been fighting so hard for independent self sufficient women. Because if the man turns out to be abusive, you are trapped.

Well yes, this is partly me mocking those tradwives. I’ve known people who do it as a kink but they are wildly different in part by both parties tending to be very feminist.

Women didn’t demand the right to work because it seemed fun, but rather because it came with the freedom to leave.

Also a lifestyle that some women assume after finding a man. Then, it works best - most of the case both parties happy, but also most of the time it's not really viable economically...unles the dude plays 1950 traditional husband, as in works his ass off

Did that 1950s husband work his ass off or could he afford a home, car and family on wage at about ~40 hrs a week? Maybe both, but, having been and known people, I doubt people worked harder back then. The switch from black and white to color did not change human nature.