Capitalism rule to – 660 points –

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Be careful where you step on this issue.

Pretty sure tankies are banned in the rules here.

Whats your opinion on NATO?

Not all leftists are tankies. This is a pretty standard take on the failures of capitalism.

Calling all leftists tankies is a pretty standard shit lib take

It seems like a sizable portion of .world users have a thing for making up issues and claiming tankies are the cause of these imaginary issues, then getting together for a circle jerk about how great they are for recognizing these tankie problems.

They're just like the American MAGA idiots - stupid people loudly getting upset about things.

I think most world users, like myself, just got to world because it was the biggest/most known and Lemmy was new for us and that's about it.

Most Liberals (and by extension .world users) get pissed at leftists because deep down they would rather see Trump win (hell they would rather see the US become fully Fascist) then watch the the US stop oppressing the global south. Thats why I think its accurate to call them Blue Maga and Facsism Lite™, because despite how much they insist on it they are not left wing. They despise left wing ideology/policy and share nothing in common with leftist other then pretending to like a small portion of the same things. I think this quote summaries it very well

"Those who have bent their knees before liberalism, who have substituted liberalism for socialism, are prepared to reduce Marxism to a simple theory of the class struggle." -Lenin

Hard agree. I'm not from The States but lived there for a number of years. People there who call themselves left are usually closer to center or center right and seem to engage in extreme pearl clutching when exposed to anything even vaguely left of center.

I think part of the issue is decades of propaganda and government brain washing coupled with a deep seated ignorance of actual leftist politics. They know practically nothing about progressive policies and feel no need to learn as they believe they already know all there is to know.

In my opinion Liberalism is always center right, actual centrism is ideologies like Social Democracy and Democratic Socialism. Thats why personally I dont like them, im a hard leftist and I dont feel any need to find a middle ground with capitalists (I view all reformist "leftists" like that).

Tankie is not synonymous with socialist/communist.

Edit: and neither is criticizing capitalism

Yeah thats fine but federated instances are absolutely writhing with tankies who will use sentiments like this to encourage subterfuge and spread propoganda.

I feel like if you react to any left-wing posts like a you're the main role in a 50's red scare propaganda video, they've already won.

Thats the same logic people use to say wokeness empowers nazis.

No it makes sense, this post mentions the corruption of the legal system and how wage labor results in the capitalist class having all the power while producing none of the labor. How is that in any way linked with authoritarianism or military action?

The part where authoritarians claims to oppose capitalism. There are bad actors who claim the opposite of the outcome of their actions. Thats the nuance of this situation.

Still seems strange to comment here, I mean thats a valid argument but this doesn't seem like the right place.

This is literally a place that explicitly bans tankies. It's the place for sure.

No I mean specifically this post

This post is literally in a place that explicitly bans tankies. It’s the place for sure.

Yeah that doesn't mean every slightly left wing post is authoritarian, that just comes off as far too accusatory. Shocking news, actual leftists exist on this instance.

I never said the post was improper, I just said be careful and then asked a question that sorts the wheat from the chaff.

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Maybe capitalism should have made sure we didn't need 2-3 jobs all at 40 hours a week just to pay rent and groceries. Buying a home? Forget it.

Are you replying to the wrong person?

No, propaganda and subterfuge are less effective against a populace who has their needs met and live comfortably. Capitalism no longer does this for anyone but the wealthy.

Okay but like I never made any statements in favor of capitalism. I just called Tankies a bunch of shitheads.

You really cannot extrapolate

Theres extrapolation and then theres you having an unrelated discussion and projecting your imaginary opponent onto me.

We're on a post about capitalism. If this is too much for you, perhaps the puddle of drool before you would be more accommodating.

I never said the post was wrong in any way, I offered valuable advice to OP and other users here.

And I was saying people have a real reason to be disenfranchised and its not all propaganda.

Okay thats fine, the fuck does that have to do with my response to this post?

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Completely fine with me.

What's your opinion billionaires?

Shouldn't exist, but that hardly proves my political allegiances.

You pass btw

What do you think about the economy being owned by the working class? Also what about a future where the global south isn't drained of resources in the name of the capitalist class?

The economy being owned by the working class is be epitomy of democracy we should all strive for someday.

Too bad the world is instead marching towards authoritarianism.

As an Anarcho-Syndicalist you seem like a very confused leftist, have you read theory?

Lmao I'm not Anarcho-anything, pal

I never said you are I simply said I am, but yeah this just seems like a massive misunderstanding. Next time try not to make accusations on unrelated posts.

That would be:

"To an Anarcho-Syndicalist" not as. You could even further specify "like myself" after.

Also anarcho-syndicalism books are just called fiction or fantasy, not theory.

Glad I could help.

Except it actually is reality?

Anarchist collectives in Spain are the biggest example of anarcho-syndicalism existing and thriving in history, hell the CNT even exists today. I'd recommend reading the anarchist collectives by Sam Dolgoff if it's something you're curious about, it's a fantastic read.

More general anarchism exists today in the Zapatistas, and probably other groups I'm not aware of. If you extend that to just anarchist collectives then I can rattle off a list of them just in one suburb of my city.

It's important political theory, and it works. Just because you don't like it doesn't change that fact.

Disagreeing with imperialism makes you a tankie now? What in the absolute liberal brainrot what do you mean?

Are you referring to NATO as imperialism?

It exists as an extension of American imperial power, its how America wages war and influnces so many countries. Is it not outrageous to want an end to the endless cycle of forever war perpetuated by the military industrial complex and nato?

This one doesn't pass the test

Is it the liberal brainrot test? Im pretty sure you got an 100 on it

Maybe it's obvious, but I'm realising now that libs are just tankies who love the west and capitalism, hence the stupid takes on NATO we constantly see...

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