Google’s nightmare “Web Integrity API” wants a DRM gatekeeper for the web to – 348 points –
Google’s nightmare “Web Integrity API” wants a DRM gatekeeper for the web

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If you're still using Chrome... What was it like hitting retirement age before 2008?

Jokes aside, Chrome really is the bottom of my list in the last several years. I've gotten the best functionality out of Firefox in the last while. Anyone else different?

I've been using Firefox since forever. It had its downs, but generally I'm happy with it. And with Multi account containers they've made sure I stay for life, it saves so much time.

How do multi-account containers differ from Chrome profiles?

Being able to have different containers in the same window?

Plus you can make certain sites always automatically open in their designated container, even if you followed a link. You can keep sites know for spying away from your logged in identity. You can have your banking and other important sites in another container for extra defense in depth.

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Thanks. Not something I'd want to do (I like my work and personal tabs in totally separate windows) but obviously that's just personal preference.

It's pretty useful at work because I can separate the about riddled with sales trackers from asking for quotes from my "how do I do X" profile. It can change the results a fair bit. On one I'll get tons of Enterprise professional services, the other recommends a lot of FOSS results.

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When did they implement the containers?

I tried to use Firefox for work but I had to log into multiple AWS accounts at the same time, which I didn’t think was possible. It’s easy with profiles in the chromium browsers, trying to remember if I tried it in Firefox now

It's easier in Firefox with containers. You can use multiple aws accounts on the same profile but different containers. I've tried to migrate to blink based browsers for various reasons, but this is what keeps me coming back to Firefox!

Firefox even has tab sandboxes now. So you can even run personal aws on one tab and business aws in another. They will have their own sandboxes so won't collide.

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I'm stuck with chrome for work because everyone wants their integrated Google Workplace services to operate seamlessly (and because that's what's approved in our security P&P).

I do a lot of casting from my desktop to the Chromecast connected to my TV. I have not been able to successfully cast from Firefox. I would love to find a solution though.

Interesting, any experiences with this? How well does it work?

I use it quite often and it works very well. Though I use it primarily for YouTube, so I'm not sure how well it works on other sites. I think once I've tried it on Netflix (it worked) and a few times for just casting some videos somewhere on the internet.

I preferred Brave but I'm side-eyeing it the more news that comes out about Chromium.

I've been trying to switch to Firefox but the tab groups suck and I rely on that pretty heavily so I'm stuck in chromium. Every tab group thing I've tried on Firefox is just worse.

I use Firefox at home, but at work I use Edge as we use Microsoft for a lot of services. It's actually surprisingly not bad ha ha.

If only Firefox rendered my CSS exactly the same like in Chrome. I don't know if they fixed it but last time developing a web site in FF was real annoying because when I made it look just right in FF some minor things were slightly off in Chrome so I had to keep going back and forth.

I don't work in hardly anything touching a front end, but shouldn't you support all major browsers for your rendering? So, checking it in several browsers all the time.

I totally get the difference between should and do, so honestly asking. There is shit I should do, and there is shit that there is time to do. Checking all browsers on all updates may not be it.

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